During the Easter weekend, extended into the May Day holidays, we can take three days of relaxation in the alpine environment of Kranjska Gora. Five hotel complexes offer programs designed for families with small children. While we can pamper ourselves in the water park, sauna, go cycling or hiking with ...
One of the most important protagonists of Slovenian photography, Tone Stojko, known primarily as a long-time photojournalist and photo editor at Mladina, has created eighty colorful female nudes in motion. The theme of the exhibition goes back to the 1970s, when the photographer began to play with the idea of blurring a moving figure...
With taste, we can go back to the time when our grandmothers delighted us with their sweet treats. They always knew how to prepare everything possible and always the best. Nowadays, we have less time for delicious baking, but with a little help from the great masters, we can also manage to prepare light cookies, the best cakes and ...
French comic book artist Matthias Lehmann, known for his work in the specific art technique of "scratching", will be visiting Ljubljana for two days. On the first day, he will present the album Ezekiel's Tears in the mobile Kiosk unit, and on the second day, April 15, the author, who also draws for Le Monde and Liberation, will lead a workshop on the technique between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. ...
Katalena se v svojih ustvarjalnih iskanjih še vedno nanaša na slovensko ljudsko dediščino, h kateri tokrat pristopa na malce drugačen način. Album Noč čarovnic je tako zgodba, ki jo Katalena spleta okoli svoje izkušnje in videnja tistega, kar smo včasih imenovali coprništvo. Po drugi strani pa ...
Plesni spektakel turške skupine Fire of Anatolia velja za eno izmed najstarejših in najbolj poznanih zgodb človeštva. Predstava, v kateri nastopa več kot 50 plesalcev, je preplet ljubezni in vojne, utopije in znanosti ter estetike in spektakularnosti. Ker že vsi poznamo najstarejši ep, se še ...
V petek, 15. aprila 2011, se bo odvijal že 17. festival Slovenska polka in valček, na kateri se bo predstavilo pet polk in sedem valčkov.
Slovenska polka in valček je najeminentnejši festival narodno-zabavne glasbe na Slovenskem, ki ...
V našem predstavnem svetu je Japonska neločljivo povezana s samuraji, pogumnimi bojevniki, katerih zgodovinska vloga v marsičem spominja na evropske viteze. Njihova bojna oprema se je v teku časa razvijala, svojo najprepoznavnejšo podobo pa je dobila v 16. stoletju, sredi dolgotrajne državljanske vojne.V ...
The "Depth of the Surface" exhibition at the Museum of Architecture and Design will be the first major Slovenian presentation of architects Riegler Riewe, an architectural practice that has been not only one of the most pervasive in neighboring Austria for several years, but also in Europe. Based in Graz and Cologne, Florian Riegler and Roger Riewe are trying their...
Why is there a mansion next to the river? Why is there a power plant in the manor, next to it is a park and high-rise buildings? The workshop raises questions about how architecture affects the environment, how it shapes space, adds or takes something away from it. Children make a plan or model of their idea of designing a given space. Sunday workshops...
The world-renowned artist Vadim Fiškin will create an interactive installation in Friderik's Tower called Spomni se / Remember. A short performative action with playful personal participation will put the participant/spectator in the position of questioning the past with the help of light and sound effects...
The showcase presents documents from musical life in Ljubljana from the end of the 18th century onwards. The main movers were the Philharmonic Society and the Musical Mother. It was also sung in churches and at events in the Reading Room. The concert schedule, which was also held outdoors in the spring months, presents...