Thirty days of creativity, good ideas, beautiful views, selected get-togethers and new experiences await us, brought to the streets, boutiques and showrooms by the biggest design event in this part of the world. In the coming days, we will have plenty of reasons to walk around the city with eyes wide open, because we are...
For several years now, the festival of the best productions of the past season has not only been an overview of domestic stage events, because in addition to the twelve performances of the competition program, we can also watch a performance aimed at promoting Slovenian theater abroad, six of the best Slovenian productions of the past season,...
Molière's character of an extremely miserly man, who would "sell" his own children due to a character flaw, have everything at the same time, and at the same time would not let a molecule of water out of his hands, is an eternally funny and at the same time creepy personality that makes us laugh almost at any time. Molière's comedy is one of the most successful...
Mimicry is the first and largest exhibition of 3D fashion photography in the world. Renowned fashion and photo experts and the public have already been impressed by the exhibition in three London galleries, but now we too can get to know the stories of the fourteen photographs by Matjaž Tančič in the size of 150 x 100 cm. The exhibition reveals the contrast between nature...
Violeta Tomič, actress and producer of the new future hit Kuhn, says that for a long time she was looking for a text that would be socially engaged, so that it would speak to us about ourselves and the everyday hardships of today's people. The search result is the Australian black comedy Kitchen, adapted for ...
Kiparimo, plujemo, cvetimo, uživamo, varujemo, povemo, ustvarjamo, rastemo, rajamo, potujemo, odkrivamo, pridelujemo, zmagujemo, proizvajamo, dihamo in gradimo je šestnajst kvalitet, ki mesto Velenje in njegove prebivalce delajo edinstvene. Ekipa Prostorož jih je to jesen s posebnimi, mestu primernimi napisi poudarila in ...
S pomočjo fundacije Utrip humanosti lahko na tridnevnem dobrodelnem spektaklu pomagamo Malim vitezom − mladostnikom, ozdravljenim od raka, pri njihovem soočanju s trajnostnimi boleznimi. Ker se organizatorji zavedajo, da se s smehom lahko doseže marsikaj, vsem obljubljajo veliko smeha ob gledališkem, fotografskem in ...
Vsako leto se sejem še bolj približa naravi, kar je razvidno že iz cene vstopnic, ki je lahko le prazna baterija. Poleg že znanih sklopov – prehrana z diabetičnim bazarjem, wellness in gibanje z mednarodno poslovno borzo slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč SPA-CE, ekodom in okolje – organizatorji letos ...
This year's edition of the Festival of Women's Creativity focuses on the area between the past and the future. The concept connects a wide range of screenwriters, dancers, choreographers, writers, and musicians. The start will belong to one of the most striking ladies of the Slovenian singer Ditka Haberl, who will be followed by the fast-rising...
Osrednji dogodek Ognjenega festivala SIFF bo letos tudi svečana otvoritev, ko bomo uživali ob zvokih, barvah in gibih moderne klasike s pridihom strastnega flamenka v izvedbi skladatelja in kitarskega virtuoza Anžeta Palke ter njegovih gostov: Vlada Kreslina, The Miha Artnaka, The ZEK Crewja in The Double Orchestra. Temu elitnemu ...
The Pedagogical Section of the Community of Museums of Slovenia prepares activities for children and families in museums, galleries and institutes across Slovenia. You can take part in creative workshops, games, lessons, fairy tales, quizzes and performances in as many as 28 participating institutions. In the National Museum of Slovenia, during Children's Week, ...
About the festival The biennial festival, which remains socially relevant even in its fourth edition, deals with topics and highlights issues in the field of intermedial art and the latest communication technologies. International Festival...