The Kisha band's concert is designed as a sound journey of music coming from grandma's radio. A group of international musicians will prepare a concert for us with the help of the mysticism of the Hungarian language, which, with the strong support of visualizations, will take us into the magical world of the music of the Kisha project. They take care of Kisha's media visibility...
At the end of September, we are looking forward to the third Blender evening, during which dust is wiped off old records and nostalgia is breathed. DJ AliEn and MC Brane will spin the music of the nineties for us, who used to spin vinyl records in the basement when "Štirka" still had valves. Sometimes AliEn, today Dalaj Eegol is like...
Marko Zaletelj in Nika Perunović v svoji glasbi združujeta ljubezen do jazza in popularne glasbe. Na samosvoj način predstavljata skladbe različnih velikanov jazz glasbe kot tudi sodobnih popularnih avtorjev in izvajalcev. Tako so v njunem repertoarju pesmi Billieja Hollidayja, Carlosa Jobima, Georgea Gershwina, Elle Fitzgerald, ...
Although the title Antigone brings to mind Greek tragedies, this work is considered one of the richest and most stylistically accomplished dramatic texts in the Slovenian language. It is, of course, the work of Dominik Smollet, who modernized Sophocles' Antigone half a century ago and presented it with extraordinary ...
Controllo Remoto is a performance without performers. Instead of living persons, the space is occupied by other means of expression, such as sound, lights, video and robots, with the help of which the Italian group Ortographie thematizes war in different periods and in the present. It is an interesting concept that, on the one hand, plays with the established taboo that...
Prvo slovensko uprizoritev spektakelske komedije, s katero bo z odra SNG Nova Gorica spregovoril švicarski dramatik Friedrich Dürrenmatt, režira dramatik in režiser Dušan Jovanovič, zaradi česar lahko pričakujemo zanimivo odrsko izkušnjo, saj si obe imeni delita nekaj skupnih potez. Oba v svojih delih, ...
Cabaret, which combines Almodovar's sense of the bizarre and excellent Slovenian musicians - Boštjan Gombač, Sergej Randjelović and Žigo Golob - has proven to be an unbeatable combination over the course of six years, as it always fills the halls and impresses every last spectator. This time the repetition in ...
V obdobju, najprimernejšem in najlepšem za pohode po slikoviti naravi, se lahko v dolini Soče udeležimo štirinajstih organiziranih pohodov, primernih za vse profile: od družin, do profesionalnih pohodnikov. Večina odprav bo potekala med vikendi v septembru in oktobru. Pod vodstvom izkušenih vodnikov se ...
Mednarodni prodajni salon plovil z obširnim obsejemskim dogajanjem privabi vsak konec poletja v Izolo tudi več kot 10.000 obiskovalcev. Letos bo prireditev na novi lokaciji, v izolski ladjedelnici. Ta lokacija naj bi tradicionalni vsebini sejma – plovila, navtična oprema, spremljevalne storitve in oprema ...
Photokina is the biggest event in the world of photography. It is a fair where the latest discoveries in photographic equipment, new trends in photography and the most prominent successes of photography of the past year are gathered every year. The most prominent photography exhibition at the fair this year, as it is the first exhibition of its kind where you can...
Delček svetovno znanih sejmov sodobne umetnosti, kakršne poznamo iz Benetk ali Londona, bomo lahko okusili tudi na Gospodarskem razstavišču Ljubljanska. Agencija Ingenia organizira prvi mednarodni sejem umetnosti, na katerem se bodo predstavile galerije in posamezni ustvarjalci, akademije, šole in ostali ...
Slovenska mesta, predvsem nekoliko starejša, skoraj brez izjeme kakšen dan v letu posvetijo daljnemu obdobju zgodovine. V Ljubljani ta dan zaznamujejo stari plesi ob živi glasbi, spoznavanje starodavnih glasbil in navad, viteške zgodbe ter umetniško ustvarjanje: polstenje, rezljanje, tolčenje bakra, ...