Fifteen events by various foreign and domestic authors have ensured that we will find interesting and innovative content of the highest quality in the program of this year's international performing arts festival Ex Ponto. Two events in particular stand out in the program, the opening and the closing, in which he participates...
Thirty years ago, the multimedia event, conceived primarily by the music group Laibach, was banned. This time, it should be carried out with the same idea in the same location. Multimedia includes an exhibition, a concert and a symposium. On September 23 at 8 p.m., the opening of the spatial installation Red areas + black cross will take place. 24th and 25th...
The theater festival's very name suggests that its content is at a high level, but despite that, it probably remained unknown to most of us. The fact will change, which is the result of this year's interesting program. It's best to start right at the end. The festival will close with friendly improv matches on Saturday and...
At the beginning of the new theater season, two theater companies, known for their quality productions in the past years, joined forces. The Anton Podbevšek Theater and the Slovenian Youth Theater with director Matjaž Berger are preparing the premiere of William Shakespeare's classic dramatic work. And the names that...
This year, the Festival of Experimental Dance places a creative laboratory in the center - a playground to which the creators invited the Austrian playwright and performer Petar Stamer with his colleague Sybrig Dokter, a dancer and pedagogue from Sweden, and Silke Bakke. Laboratory...
Še sedem dni se imamo priložnost na očarljivih prizoriščih, kot sta Sinagoga Maribor ali slavnostna dvorana dvorca Dornava, srečati s trenutno najbolj prepoznavnimi izvajalci klasične glasbe. Med številnimi gosti letos izstopajo Choir of London, zveza skoraj dvestotih britanskih pevcev in instrumentalistov, ...
V Šentjakobskem gledališču so tudi letos za mlade ne glede na dejansko starost pripravili preko dvajset predstav in razstav svetovno priznanih ustvarjalcev. Večina predstav, razporejenih v tekmovalni in spremljevalni program, je namenjenih najmlajšim, a se lutkarji niso odpovedali odraslim temam. Ena od ...
An unforgettable experience during film festivals is created not only by the colorfulness of the seaside town and the time of year, but also not only by the program. In the sections "Friends", "Trgatev", "Open island", "Silvan's cinema school", "Dok focus", "Otroška animatheka" and "Video on the beach", you can enjoy film excesses, talk to the creators or...
The children's bazaar will once again delight children and families in Ljubljana in the fall. Together with the youngest, we will have fun, create, watch music, theater and dance performances, visit the colorful stalls and exhibition spaces, buy and sell second-hand children's equipment at the Bazarka market, get rich...
Tradicionalen brezplačni žur ob začetku šolskega leta bo tokrat obiskala še ena vrhunska švedska pevka Agnes Carlsson. Mlada glasbenica trenutno navdušuje s hiti Release Me, I Need You ...
Na praznik buč odpre oljarna svoja vrata in s pestrim programom privabi mnogo obiskovalcev. Vinski in jabolčni kraljici se bo letos pridružila tudi bučna kraljica, potekal bo izbor za največjo in najzanimivejšo bučo. Društva in posamezniki se bodo pomerili v kuhanju bučnega golaža in različnih spretnostnih ...
While playing sunny Argentinian music, we will get to know the culture of drinking wine and the different flavors of the noble drop in the hacienda restaurant Argentino. In addition to seven exotic wines, including Graffigna Centenario Pinot Grigio, Graffigna Shiraz and Arnaldo B Etchart, we will also taste seven different Argentinian dishes. ...