VPIS NOVIH ČLANOV za vse starostne skupine od 5. leta starosti naprej
Karate klub Forum je najštevilčnejši slovenski karate klub, ki že več kot 30 let uspešno poučuje slog karateja Sankukai. Karate Sankukai je borilna veščina, ki združuje šport, duhovni in miselni razvoj ...
Lacemakers from the Ljubljana section of the Association of Slovenian Lacemakers will prepare a presentation of lacemaking. The ladies, who have been creating together for the second decade, seek inspiration from various lacemaking schools. At meetings in the National Museum of Slovenia, stylistic and technical peculiarities of lace creation will be presented, ...
Gibonni is returning to Slovenia. After the fantastic concerts in Križanke in June and a successful promotional tour in Croatian cities, Gibonni returns to the Slovenian audience with the presentation of his latest, platinum album TOLERANCA. The very first concert will certainly be an excess, as it comes in an exceptional atmosphere...
Na Bevkovem trgu bo vse dni festivala potekal tudi sejem vinilk. Vse prireditve so za obiskovalce brezplačne. Vljudno vabljeni! ***********Občina NG (Zelena dvorana):* 18:00h Okrogla miza: "Nova Gorica, mesto dogodkov: Kako in ...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje!~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER, THE EVENT CANCELLED! ...
A vinyl market will also be held on Bevkovo trg all days of the festival. All events are free for visitors. You are welcome! ***********Splendid bar:* 17:00 Children's musical fairy tale about ...
This is the music of different nations and cultures, which connects and unites different generations, which captivates and seduces with its rhythms, to which no one can remain indifferent. Lively rhythms and Balkan-oriental melodrama flow in it. An extremely wide selection of songs includes: Macedonian, Romani, Jewish, Russian and...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje!~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER, THE EVENT CANCELLED! ...
A vinyl market will also be held on Bevkovo trg all days of the festival. All events are free for visitors. You are welcome! ***********Splendid bar:* 15:30 Children's music and dance animation "Indian ...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje! ~ IN CASE OF BAD...