The event shows trading on the market, as was typical for Slovenian Istria. Craftsmen and makers of typical Istrian products present themselves on the market and sell them. Every Sunday at 10 o'clock there will be a play performed in the Istrian dialect, which will bring the audience closer to the Istrian...
International Jubilee Tourist Rally of Old-timers. Start at Trg svobode and drive through neighboring...
A rich and entertaining musical program, attractive performances on the Drava River, a rich culinary offer of fish dishes and dishes from the local environment, the selection of Miss Fishing Nights, night carriage rides...
Poleti se v Podčetrtku lahko zabavamo na koncertih za vse generacije, na klopotčevi nedelji na Virštanju, otroški zabavi in zadnji dan lahko obiščemo Lovrenčev sejem, kjer bo tudi tekmovanje v kuhanju bučne juhe. ...
Veslanje v tradicionalnih dravskih čolnih in zabavni program. Vstop je ...
The antiques fair is a meeting of members of various societies of antique collectors from all over Slovenia, who exhibit, exchange and sell exhibits from their collections at stands. Entry is...
Festival katerega z veseljem obiščejo zvezde kot so John Malkovich, Jeremy Irons, Steve Bushemi, Katrin Carligde, Mike Leigh, Gerard Depardieu, Mickey Rourke, Gillian Anderson in številne druge bo tudi letos obiskalo kar nekaj zvenečih imen. Častni gost letošnjega festivala je oskarjevec Morgan Freeman. S ...
Duhoviti film Pierra Salvadorija prikazuje zgodbo lepe pustolovke Irene, katere tarča so bogati moški. Po kratkem opisu filma se zdi, da gre le za še eno romantično komedijo, a se film odmika od stereotipnih tem, poleg vsega pa ga prežema zanimiva ...
For the sixty-seventh time in a row, the Golden Venice Lion will be awarded to the best film according to the jury. This year, the American screenwriter, director and actor Quentin Tarantino will preside over the jury. The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement will be awarded to Asian and Hollywood director John Woo. In mine ...
Vsi, ki se bomo festivala udeležili prvič moramo pričakovati fantastične, grozljive, divje ter kultne filme, ki predstavljajo presežke ustaljenih žanrskih obrazcev. Med drugimi bomo lahko videli dokumentarec KuZle o znamenitih idrijskih punk prvoborcih, ki so kratki karieri navkljub pustili izredno močan pečat na takratni ...
Goran Bregović bo z Orkestrom za poroke in pogrebe, občinstvu na obali s svojimi starimi uspešnicami priredil koncert, ki si ga bo vsak z gotovostjo zapomnil. Predstavil nam bo tudi svoj novi album ...