Svetlana Makarovič elaborated the motif of Katalena in a ballad story, which was recently published in the collection Aleph, and which talks about the complex human character. At the presentation of the ballad tale, she will be accompanied by the group Katalena, which also transforms the folk tradition in an original way, and has also set some lyrics to music...
Vlatko Stefanovski Trio velja za vrhunsko zasedbo, ki je uveljavljena v mednarodnih glasbenih krogih. Stefanovski je ustanovitelj nekdanje legendarne zasedbe Leb i sol. Znan je tudi po posebni tehniki igranja kitare. Pohvali se lahko z več kot dvajsetimi izdanimi albumi, njegova zadnja dela obsegajo tudi glasbena dela za film, ...
Odkrivali smo skrivnosti kulinaričnih mojstrov Koren cateringa, ki vsakič s pripravo domiselnega, kreativnega in okusnega cateringa jemljejo dih tudi največjim gurmanom. Tokrat so nas presenetili s fingerfoodom iz slovenskih jedi od dolenjske šunke v testu z jabolčnim hrenom do posebne trendy priprave ...
On Saturday we will listen to the excellent vocalist Nina Rotner, accompanied by guitar and bass guitar. YOU ARE INVITED! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She started performing at the age of fifteen on theater stages, and since 2006 she has been more closely connected with music, as she has been studying jazz singing for the 3rd year at...
After a bit of bad weather, Melodije Tromostovja continues... this time OdBeatli will be with us. YOU ARE INVITED! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ They are a tribute band that plays the songs of the legendary band The Beatles. Rather than the greatest hits, the boys touch on lesser-known songs, but of course also legendary visions, such as...
Director: Clint Eastwood. Starring: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, Tony Kgoroge, Patrick ...
Directed by: Tim Burton. Starring: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Anne Hathaway, Stephen Fry, Christopher Lee. Alice is no longer a child, but a wayward 19-year-old who wants to escape an unwanted engagement. So he once again follows the mischievous White Rabbit, who wants Alice to stop the tyranny...
Directed by Martin Scorsese. Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder, Geraldine Chaplin, Alexis Smith. The film is an adaptation of the novel by the writer Edith Wharton, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her work. The narrative takes us to the late nineteenth century. Newland Archer is engaged to a calm and…
Director: Asger Leth. Starring: 2pac, Bily, Lele. Just a two-hour flight from the luxurious beaches of Miami lies Haiti, since 1804 the first independent country of freed African slaves, today a land of poverty, despair and violence. The main characters are brothers 2pac and Bily, ringleaders of a local armed gang. The story...
Directed by: Joe Johnston. Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin. Lawrence Talbot's childhood ended with the death of his mother. After leaving the sleepy Victorian village of Blackmoore, he spent years recovering and trying to forget. When his fiancee looks for him...
The puppet show produced by Zavod KULT is about Tink, a very special boy who puts on only one pair of trousers and one sleeve, one pair of socks and one shoe in the morning. He only brushes the top half of his teeth, drinks only half a glass of milk and only makes it halfway to school. Tinka Polovinka only sees half the world...