Even if they emphasize that "any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental", Welcome to New York is more than just a recapitulation of the sex scandal of the ousted director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominik Strauss-Kahn, with fictitious people. Director Abel Ferrar has equipped the Shakespearean character, played brilliantly by Gerard Depardieu, with a sick appetite for power, money and sex.
Film & Tv
This year is undoubtedly a very busy year for director Clint Eastwood, because right after the movie Jersey Boys, he started filming the action movie American Sniper, which is coming to cinemas early next year.
The 1990s are said to be the worst decade for fashion - the 1970s are not far behind. It seems that only the film successfully avoided the fads and produced some of the most iconic films of all time. We have selected 10 of them for you.
The universe, so vast and still so unknown. It has always fascinated many artists, musicians and even filmmakers. We have prepared for you a selection of the 20 best space movies that are worth watching at least once.
It used to be hacked through doors and windows, today it's all about hacking into computer networks, which is also the subject of the movie Hacker, where Chris Hemsworth (known as Thor with the hammer) finds himself between a rock and a hard place as a convicted hacker when must help the authorities and their Chinese partners to help tighten the noose around the neck of the hacker network, which initially strikes where the system hurts the most - money.
In Hollywood, there are different rankings of the best and worst products of the film industry. There is no dilemma with good films. The bad ones often don't have smart charts. That's why we've created a list of the worst movies for you, the ones you shouldn't miss.
Is the view through the eyes of a child more authentic? Does the child see boundaries? The ones in your head, the ones on the map? After the Slovenian documentary film "Mama Europe" by Petra Seliškar made the rounds of as many as 20 film festivals in 16 countries and was richer for the international response and two awards, it will now project its story on Slovenian screens, premiering on 1. in October at 7 p.m. in Kinodvor, which will be followed by a talk with the team.
Robert Downey Jr., the star of the Iron Man franchise, remains at the top of Forbes' list of highest-paid actors from the "dream factory." The roles of the iron hero and Marvin (Marvin, Marvel, coincidence??) in the movie Chef gave him approx. 56 million euros (75 million dollars), while Dwayne "The Rock" (more like "Hercules" for this occasion) Johnson was the closest to him with 39 million euros (52 million dollars).
The fact is that the best love stories on the screens are always the ones that excite our taste buds while watching, because we all know that love goes through the stomach. And since the cooler evenings are perfect for watching films that make us salivate and inspire us for future culinary ventures, we present ten culinary blockbusters, including two films that are currently showing in Slovenian cinemas.
The book bestseller, also translated into Slovenian, has been transferred to the big screen. Starring Jeff Bridges, Katie Holmes, Meryl Streep, Tilda Swinton, Brenton Thwaites. Pop singer Taylor Swift was also included in the cast this time. The captivating story focuses on Jonas, a young man who lives in a seemingly perfect, peaceful world full of comfort and contentment. While spending time with the Guardian, the sole guardian of all the community's memories, the boy learns a dark and fatal truth about a mysterious past.
In the upcoming film My Summer in Provence, French film star Jean Reno invites us to explore the magical landscape of southern France and discover the importance of family ties. In this warm and entertaining story, we meet old-fashioned grandfather Paul, who is forced to spend the summer in the company of his three grandchildren, whom he has never seen before due to a family dispute.
The year 2014 is slowly coming to an end, and this year's film lineup is already showing the first signs of which films will stay in our heads long after viewing, and which ones will slip from our memory as soon as we leave the cinema. According to our selection, we present you the 10 best films of 2014 so far.