The third sequel to the action adventure of the Mercenary franchise, with the world's best Hollywood musclemen, returns to the cinema screens in the summer of 2014.
Film & Tv
The upcoming Rise of the Planet of the Apes sequel is coming to cinemas next summer.
Dear readers, since you have been diligent, we have prepared a list of 15 good Christmas movies for you to watch while sipping mulled wine safely under a blanket.
Guardians of the Legacy is a suspenseful and interesting story, based on true events, about the people who found, saved and stored priceless works of art during the Second World War and returned them to their owners.
Taxi, taxi! Are you wondering what are the most famous scenes that take place in a taxi? Read on.
A group of curious teenagers embark on a crazy adventure when they uncover secret plans.
Moments before his triumphant comeback, a concert pianist suffering from stage fright faces new terror when he notices a message on his sheet music.
Yuri lives in a kingdom ruled by bureaucrats and knights are outcasts. He finds himself dreaming...
An Inuk's Journey is a warm and authentic account of growing up in contemporary Greenland, a land torn between tradition and modernity.
Interstellar is an upcoming sci-fi film from director Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the story of a team of space travelers traveling through a wormhole with his brother Jonathan.
Tom Cruise's latest cinematic achievement looks like a cross between different cinematic ideas; Saving Private Ryan, Starship Troopers and Groundhog Day. Edge of Tomorrow hits theaters next summer.
The great radioactive monster called Godzilla will once again look for ways to destroy humanity.