For the end of this school year, our cinemas provided a new dose of laughter and screams with the animated adventure of the Disney/Pixar studio, which is a kind of prequel to the original Monsters in the Closet. Ever since Miha was little, he dreamed of becoming a scarecrow, and the best ones come with...
Film & Tv
A new film adaptation of the legendary Superman, who as a young journalist is forced to face his mysterious past and his mission on Earth, is coming to the big screen, this time also in 3D technology. On their way home, Jonathan and Martha Kent come across a crashed vessel and find a baby in it, adopt it and...
Peter, Lara, Sara and Andrej are typical representatives of the young generation, which has difficulty coping with everyday life. The inherited money could give them a fresh start, but the story gets complicated when they want to withdraw it. The director of the bank is a family friend, but he defrauded them. After thinking it over, naively...
Four talented illusionists, led by the charismatic Atlas, stage two infamous magic shows with a series of daring and original illusionistic tricks with advanced technical aids, where they first captivate the audience in Las Vegas with a remote bank robbery in Paris, and then expose...
Mary Katherine is a bright and stubborn seventeen-year-old who returns to her hometown to reconnect with her estranged and slightly eccentric father, obsessed with stories about tiny people who live in the woods. A teenage girl almost loses her patience when she miraculously finds herself in the middle of a mysterious forest, where a battle between...
Nick and his younger brother grow up in difficult circumstances; their childhood is marked by poverty, violence and alcohol. With the birth of their brother, a ray of hope shines in their lives, but a tragic event finally separates them for several years. When they meet again, thirty-three-year-old Nick is a lonely and angry ex...
The film takes place a thousand years after humanity has left the only home it has ever known. In the 21st century, the Earth became more and more unsuitable for life, there was less and less clean water and the air became too toxic to breathe. The new home of Earthlings thus became the planet Nova several light years away...
Robert Miller is a successful financial businessman with a loving wife and a smart daughter, ready to take over the family business. An unexpected car accident caused by him, in which his lover dies, turns his life in the wrong direction. Trade secrets involving illegal fraud begin to come…
The year 1971. The revolutionary spirit of May '68 is still very much alive among students from the suburbs of Paris. Passionate ideological debates are followed by protests and subversive actions. Gilles is a high school student who finds himself in the middle of the political and creative turmoil of this tumultuous period. Like his peers, he tries to…
The wolf brotherhood has gathered together again and for the last time, as the comedy franchise of director Todd Phillips ends with the third part. This time the adventure of the party group will not continue in the style of wedding bells and its preparations with the climax of the bachelor party, ...
Paulette lives alone in an apartment complex on the outskirts of Paris, where drug dealing and theft are part of everyday life. With her modest pension, she herself is having a hard time getting through the month. One evening, watching marijuana dealers, he sees a sign of destiny. She decides that she too will become a trafficker of illegal substances, the end...
In Kiberkin, we will watch short films of various genres, created within the framework of KKZ:
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