Kai is a naive and brave young falcon who grows up to be insanely bored. Far from society, he lives with a strict father who does not allow him to leave the borders of Katunga. During the argument, Kai learns that his father knows Zambezia, a colorful bird town on the edge of Victoria Falls. He decides to leave his safe home and join a flock of storks...
Film & Tv
Katie Feldman arrives in the coastal town of Southport, North Carolina to create a new, peaceful life for herself. She rents a cabin in the forest and starts working as a waitress in a coastal bar. She does everything to not stand out. But despite surrounding herself with high emotional walls, she is drawn to the genuine warmth and concern of a close-knit...
The narrative is set in the year 2077, when life on Earth is unrecognizable; six decades ago it was attacked by aliens who destroyed a large part of our planet. People win the war, but they are forced to evacuate to the cities in the sky, where they live in beautiful air spaces, thousands of meters...
Ivan is a 76-year-old retired music teacher who believes his life is over. He buys a plot for his grave with a beautiful view of the Alps and goes to a home for the elderly, where he wants to see his end in peace. But the opposite happens: in a computer science course, he finally begins to discover his passion for life. ...
Ten-year-old Jojo lives with his father in the countryside. His days pass between lonely wanderings in nature, water polo training and long phone conversations with his mother, a singer on tour in America. The father does not think much of the boy; his silence is broken only by occasional outbursts of anger. One day Jojo finds a young jackdaw and secretly brings it...
Film je posnet po literarni uspešnici avtorice Somrak sage Stephenie Meyer, ki nas popelje v bližnjo prihodnost, v kateri je na kocki usoda človeške rase. Zemljo so namreč zavzeli miroljubni Nezemljani, znani kot duše, in se naselili v ume ljudi, pri tem pa njihova telesa pustili nedotaknjena. Melanie je tako ...
The creators of the animated adventures Shrek, Madagascar and Kung fu Panda take us far into prehistoric times, where we meet the Krud family. The main rule of the head of the Gruga family is that, except to find food, they never leave the safe haven of their home cave, which is very upsetting to his inquisitive growing up...
The elite military unit GI Joe is returning to the movie screen, this time also in a special 3D technique. The story is a continuation of the first part and is directly connected to its end, when members of the evil organization Kobra take control of the country. Their first task is to excommunicate a unit of GI Joe special forces who have prevented their...
Jack is a poor young man who lives with his uncle and works on their farm, and has always dreamed of great adventures. When a young servant one day inadvertently opens a gate between our world and that of a fearsome race of giants, a violent ancient war reignites. For centuries, banished giants...
The film is a story about the first year of married life. Ambitious Nat and talented novelist Josh are in a happy relationship. There was an instant spark between them, even though they are completely different. Josh is a thinker, while Nat is more of a practical character. The wedding is a dream, but family, friends and even the priest do not give them much credit ...
Pat Solatano lost everything - his house, his job and his wife. After spending eight months in a court-ordered mental institution, he's now back living with his parents, determined to get his old life back. With a full measure of optimism, he wants to get closer to his estranged wife, but his path is crossed by the mysterious Tiffany, who...
After returning from the battlefields of the Pacific, Freddie cannot find his place in post-war America. He is addicted to his own brews and unable to hold down any kind of job. One fateful night, however, he finds himself a stowaway on a luxurious yacht commanded by Lancaster Dodd, the founder and head of the spiritual...