V malce prismojeni komediji zmešnjav znova srečamo Marion iz filma 2 dni v Parizu, ki zdaj živi s svojim novim fantom v New Yorku. Ko na obisk prispejo njeni ekscentrični francoski sorodniki, se par nepričakovano znajde v navzkrižnem ognju stopnjujočega se kaosa in kulturnih nesporazumov. Cena vstopnic: 5 ...
Film & Tv
Film evenings at Ljubljana Castle begin with the five Oscar-winning "tribute to the classic period of American cinema". The "Miracle of the Age", as it is also called, draws on the genre of comedy, romance and melodrama to tell the story of an epochal moment in film history. Ticket price: 4...
Madagascar 3, Savages and TED are the titles of the previews that will lure us to the sand, towels or loungers of Atlantis. Three other blockbusters are joining the fun. Ticket prices: 4 ...
Let's reserve six Mondays until the end of August to watch films selected by the Cultural and Artistic Society Pina. The films will be accompanied by a pleasant atmosphere. Admission is ...
The image of this year's version of the festival of gastronomic and film delights is being designed by British animation master Lee Hardcastle, while the fantastical elements are created by the art collective Laibach Kunst. The focus is on the genre program (horror) in five sections and, of course, selected ...
The largest and oldest Croatian film festival lasts for another twelve days, so we can still catch some of the best film delicacies of the past year, such as the award-winning Romeos in Berlin, the award-winning Italy: Love it, or Leave it in Milan, or the award-winning film ...
Sarajevo Film Festival, ki bo letos že od 6. do 14. julija 2012, bo predstavil tudi kar nekaj domačih filmskih stvaritev. V okviru specialnih projekcij bo predstavljen novi celovečerni film režiserja Marka Naberšnika »Šanghaj«, ljubezensko zgodbo, ki je nastala po romanu Ferija Lainščka. V ...
The urban chaos of modern Buenos Aires. Martín and Mariana live behind their own "blind wall" in opposite apartment blocks. He is a web designer and agoraphobic who rarely leaves his one-room apartment, she is a window dresser whose heart was broken by a recent breakup. Although their paths ...
Will Gerard is an English teacher happily married to Laura, an established musician. One night, their lives turn upside down when Laura becomes the victim of a sexual assault, which triggers a series of unexpected events. While Will waits for news of his wife's condition, he is approached by a suave man who calmly offers…
The film by a unique director presents an entertaining story about a professional barber, Mike, who takes a young boy, Kid, under his wing to teach him all the necessary skills. Mike's secret recipe is to achieve the American dream through a variety of work experiences during the day and magical work at night. The more he is ...
A film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical Rock for All Time is coming to the big screen. This is the story of Sherrie and Drew, a small-town girl and a city boy, who meet on the Sunset Strip, hoping for Hollywood stardom. In the 1980s, when the rock scene was at its peak, Sherrie comes to Los Angeles with...