Moški. Ženska. Deček. Trije ljudje v brezčasni pokrajini. Vsak zase skušajo preživeti. Počasi prihaja med njimi do stikov, ki so sprva skrajno nezaupljivi in na trenutke sovražni, sčasoma pa se začnejo razvijati v odnose. Ko se moški, ženska in deček osvobodijo strahu in negotovosti, se končno združijo ...
Film & Tv
The most romantic story from the most legendary ship of all time returns exactly one hundred years after its unfortunate end. The film directed by James Cameron, which received 11 statuettes from the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and became the most watched film of all time, can now be viewed in 3D. Between Kate...
The exotic Marigold Hotel is supposed to be India's answer to the prayers of England's most elegant retirees - a place where they can enjoy the comfort of luxury in their autumn... at least until seven retirees who are themselves .. .
Glenn Close plays a woman who passes herself off as a man as the ruthless social environment of 19th century Ireland pushes her to the brink of survival. As a polite and calm server, Albert serves for many years in a wealthy house, but at the same time he has to hide the truth about himself and deny his own feelings. When finally...
V parku Brooklyn Bridge se vname spor med enajstletnim Zacharyjem in njegovim sošolcem Ethanom. Zachary udari Ethana s palico po obrazu, zaradi česar slednji izgubi dva zoba. Nasilni spor dveh otrok povzroči, da se sestanejo njuni starši. Namesto da bi mali incident rešili civilizirano, se, tudi s pomočjo ...
Dokumentarni film o Depeche Mode, takrat še pionirjih britanske synth-pop scene, na zadnji etapi Music for the Masses Tour (1987/88) in 101 na stadionu Rose Bowl v kalifornijski Pasadeni. Medtem ko Pennebaker potuje s fanti, ki za krinko svoje mladosti skrivajo težko prigarane izkušnje, se sodelavca Jeff Kreines in Joel ...
Ustvarjalci filma so po knjižni predlogi legendarnega ameriškega pisca zgodb za otroke dr. Seussa na filmska platna poslali dolgo pričakovani film Lorax. Animirana dogodivščina spremlja dvanajstletnega dečka, ki išče pravo trufu drevo, saj je to edina stvar, ki si jo želi dekle njegovih sanj. Da bi ...
Desetletje po junaški zmagi nad morsko pošastjo skuša Perzej, polbog in sin Zevsa, kot vaški ribič s svojim desetletnim sinom živeti mirno življenje. Medtem med bogovi in Titani divja boj za prevlado; bogovi, ki jih pesti in slabi pomanjkanje vdanosti človeštva, imajo vse manj nadzora nad ...
Quite some time has passed since the 22nd Ljubljana International Film Festival ended, but the dust has not yet settled. In Kinodvor, we will be able to watch films that we missed or were unable to see during the festival for at least two more months. In the month of March, there will be something on the regular schedule...
Piše se leto 1973; hladna vojna še naprej uničuje mednarodne odnose in britanska tajna služba MI6 s kodnim imenom Cirkus se trudi iti v korak z vohunskimi podvigi drugih držav, da bi ohranili varnost v Veliki Britaniji. A preden se razjasni presenetljiva resnica, se bo smrtonosna mednarodna vohunska igra snela z ...
Young barrister Arthur Kipps must leave his three-year-old son in London and travel to the remote village of Crythin Gifford, where he was summoned after the recent death of the owner of the Eel Marsh estate. Soon after arriving at the creepy old mansion, he discovers dark secrets, and his sense of unease reaches its peak when he sees a mysterious...
As a single father struggling to raise two children, Benjamin Mee, hoping that a new life will restore the family's positive spirit, quits his job at the newspaper and buys an old farmhouse in the middle of just over seven acres of land outside the city, which has an extra: a zoo. Rosemoor, where guard Kelly Foster with...