Alexander Payne is the author of the Oscar-winning film Sideways, but this time he presents the film Descendants, the common thread of which is the unpredictable story of an American family. Matt King is a husband and father of two daughters, ten-year-old Scottie and seventeen-year-old Alexandra. His life changes drastically with the news that his wife is in...
Film & Tv
At the end of last year, the 5th Bovec Outdoor Film Festival ended, where we were able to watch quite a few films from the field of extreme sports and adventures. For all those poor people, or those for whom Bovec was one way or another too far to watch movies, Kinodvor has prepared a pinch for us...
The trip attracted the attention of festival selectors during this year's Cannes Film Festival. The film had its world premiere at the Sarajevo Film Festival, where it entered the competition program, and was extremely well received. It has received excellent reviews in renowned foreign magazines and has been shown on more than...
Cinema Komunisto je zgodba o filmskem studiu, kjer sta nastajali zgodovina Jugoslavije in zgodba o človeku, ki je vsak večer obsesivno gledal filme, medtem ko je podnevi vodil državo ter bral in popravljal scenarije bodočih filmov. V zakulisje zlatega obdobja jugoslovanske filmske industrije nas tako popeljejo dolgoletni Titov ...
Sinhronizirana animirana pustolovščina o Obutem mačku. Neustrašnega slavnega mačjega mečevalca dogodki vodijo na srečanje s Shrekom in njegovimi prijatelji. Na svojih pustolovščinah sreča tudi zapeljivo tatico Mici Šapko in prijatelja iz otroštva Glavamoža. Skupaj ukradejo čarobne ...
Izdana je zgodba o lepi in skrivni agentki Mallory Kane, ki jo po končani nalogi reševanja talcev v Barceloni pošljejo na naslednjo misijo v Dublin, kjer pa se ji svet postavi na glavo. Znajde se v kočljivi situaciji in na begu pred lastnim partnerjem, ki jo skuša umoriti. Ne more se zanesti niti na svoje ...
Mumintrol je sin Muminmame in Muminočka. Skupaj živijo v Mumindolu v Muminhiši, ki je najbolj varen in zanimiv prostor na svetu. Mumintrol se nekega dne zbudi in opazi, da je vse sivo. Brž o tem povpraša učenjaka Pižmovca, ki mu pojasni, da je sivina znak, da se bo na Zemlji pripetilo nekaj slabega. Komet bo padel ...
The story is set during the First World War and is about a young boy and his horse. Shortly after the start of the war, Albert's exceptional horse Joey is taken and sent to the front in France. Joey very quickly impresses the British cavalry and German soldiers with his unbridled courage until he lands in the…
The new film adaptation of the world bestseller about the chilling mystery of a missing girl. Her body was never found, leading her uncle to believe the killer was a family member. Uncle therefore hires journalist Mikael and tattooed, troubled but skilled hacker Lisbeth to investigate…
Marcel Marx, once a writer and notorious bohemian, takes refuge in the port city of Le Havre, where he becomes a shoe shiner. He buried his dream of literary fame and now lives happily and contentedly between his favorite bar, his job and his wife Arletty. Then his path is suddenly crossed by a minor fugitive from the dark...
The brilliant detective Sherlock and his faithful assistant Watson face the most formidable opponent, the genius Professor Moriarty, who is not only an intellectual rival, but gains an advantage over the detective with his wickedness, namely without a trace of bad conscience. Sherlock Holmes begins to discover his...
It's time for action. The fourth part of Mission Impossible returns to our screens. In the main role and in the role of producer, the almost irreplaceable Tom Cruise appears again as Agent Ethan Hunt. After bombing the Kremlin, he and his team of operatives find themselves in an unenviable situation when the Russian authorities blame him for terrorist...