A Christmas story that finally reveals the answer to the question of how Santa manages to deliver all the presents in one night. One Christmas Eve they happen to forget to deliver one present, but the tiny mistake doesn't bother anyone except Santa's younger son Arthur. Believing that no child should be left without...
Film & Tv
Nekdaj zelo priljubljeni lutkovni junaki Muppetki se po dobrem desetletju vračajo na velika filmska platna. Glavni liki nove dogodivščine Gary, Mary in Walter bodo morali zbrati nekdanjo druščino Muppetkov, ki je sedaj upokojena, da skupaj rešijo televizijski studio, kjer so nekoč snemali njihove oddaje. ...
The film is based on a screenplay written by Oscar winners Steven Zaillian and Aaron Sorkin. The story is based on the true events of Billy Beane, the general manager of the professional baseball club Oakland Athletics, who became famous for his economic-statistical analysis of the game of baseball and tried to revolutionize...
V vlogi scenarista in režiserja se je zopet izkazal starosta filmske industrije Woody Allen. Že sam naslov nam pove, da se zgodba odvija v romantičnem Parizu, v mestu, ki je sinonim čarobnosti, polno edinstvene dediščine in kot nalašč za zgodbo o mladem zaročenem paru, ki se pridruži njenim staršem na ...
Fergus pride v domači Liverpool na pogreb svojega otroškega prijatelja Frankieja, s katerim je kot zasebni plačanec delal v Iraku in je na smrtonosni Route Irish med bagdadskim letališčem in zeleno cono izgubil življenje. Ken Loach, mojster britanskega socialnega realizma, v dramatičnem zarotniškem trilerju ...
Documentary film about the 25-year career of Saša Lošić and the legendary Sarajevo band Plavi orkestar and about the time when the former common state fell apart and the Balkan Sea was happening. A true story about a time and a generation that survived the collapse of the country and a change in the value system, yet remained...
Film gostuje na različnih filmskih festivalih po Evropi, Aziji, Ameriki in je bil v obdobju dobrega pol leta od realizacije prisoten na že več kot 20 mednarodnih filmskih festivalih. Glavni junak je Koyaa, ki se na čisto poseben način spoprijema z vsakdanjimi opravki. Stvari se zapletejo že zjutraj, ko si skuša zavezati ...
The story takes place on the west coast of Ireland, where Sergeant Gerry Boyle lives in a small town, a cantankerous policeman with a revolutionary sense of humor, a dying mother, an interest in prostitutes, and nothing at all moved by the international drug cartel that has delivered to his doorstep FBI agent Wendell Everett. But even though it seems that...
The Christmas romantic comedy, filmed under the direction of Slovenian director Mitja Okorn, tells the stories of five women and men who intertwine on the eve of Christmas in Warsaw. Everyone has different lifestyles, everyone knows what sadness is, what joy is, everyone has different priorities and...
An epic tale of betrayal, revenge and destiny. The ruthless King Hyperion, played by the excellent Mickey Rourke, leads his bloodthirsty army on a murderous rampage across Greece to find the deadly weapon that will destroy humanity. When the Ionian gods won their mythic battle against the Titans, King Hyperion along with…
Christine has been confined to a wheelchair for most of her life. To banish loneliness, she goes to Lourdes, a famous pilgrimage center in the Pyrenees. One morning she wakes up seemingly miraculously healed. The leader of the pilgrimage group, a seductive forty-year-old volunteer who belongs to the order of the Knights of Malta, is...
Hugh Jackman stars as Charlie, an ex-professional boxer who finds himself in a near-future world where steel warrior boxing is the biggest sport. When he can't afford a new dueling robot due to debt, he dedicates himself to the discarded robot at the urging of his estranged son Max. ...