Directed by: Ryan Murphy. Cast: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Javier Bardem, Billy Crudup, Richard Jenkins, Viola Davis, Tuva Novotny, David Lyons. The film, based on the best-selling book, depicts the almost perfect life of Liz, who decides to break the self-limitations of superficial satisfaction and write anew...
Film & Tv
Directed by: Michael Winterbottom, Mat Whitecross Documentary version of Naomi Klein's bestselling book explores the promotion of the free market at any cost. The idea of a free market and unregulated capitalism is easiest to implement in a state of shock - e.g. during war, military coup, natural...
Directed by Edgar Wright. Starring: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brandon Routh, Alison Pill. Director Wright presents the unusual love adventure of 23-year-old Scott. An ordinary young man meets the charming Ramona at one of the concerts, but the love idyll...
Director: Henrik Ruben Genz. Actors: Jakob Cedergren, Kim Bodnia, Lene Maria Christensen, Lars Brygmann, Anders Hove. Robert Hansen is a disgraced and unhappy policeman who is transferred to a corner village in the south of Denmark. The village is as mysterious as the nearby swamps, and newcomers must adapt or the village...
Directed by: Oliver Stone. Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Carey Mulligan, Susan Sarandon, Josh Brolin, Vanessa Ferlito. After 23 years, Gordon Gekko, the most famous villain of the 80s, who brought Michael Douglas an Oscar for the lead, returns to the big screen. male role. ...
Directed by: Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey. Cast: Evan McGuire, Mick Lally, Christen Mooney, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Hourrican, Paul Tylac, Michael McGrath, Paul Young. Twelve-year-old Brendan lives in an abbey run by his uncle Cellach. Day after day, the monks build a high wall to protect them from the constant...
Režija: Harald Zwart. Igrajo: Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu, Zhensu Wu, Zhiheng Wang, Zhenwei Wang.Dvanajstletni Dre Parker bi lahko bil najbolj priljubljen fant v Detroitu, a kariera njegove mame ju popelje na Kitajsko. Težko sklepa prijateljstva. In kar je še ...
Režija: Yousry Nasrallah.Heba je voditeljica televizijske oddaje, ki ne skopari s kritikami na račun podkupljivih državnih oblasti. Njenemu možu Hassanu, ponudijo napredovanje na mesto odgovornega urednika vladnega časopisa, vendar le pod pogojem, da Heba preneha z obravnavanjem kočljivih političnih tem. Ko mu ugodi ...
Režija: Ethan Maniquis, Robert Rodriguez. Igrajo: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Lindsay Lohan, Cheech Marin, Jeff Fahey, Steven Segal. Potem ko se je zapletel z mamilaškim kraljem Torrezom, Machete pobegne v Teksas, kjer se želi skriti in pozabiti svojo tragično preteklost. ...
Vsega je kriva Nina je film, pri katerem so se bodoči video profesionalci ali vsaj filmski navdušenci spoznali, skupaj garali in porabljali vse svoje zaslužke.
Scenarij sta avtorja začela pisati še kot najstnika, ko je potekalo snemanje filma, sta imela 20 let.
Zdaj, ko je končan, ...
Duhoviti film Pierra Salvadorija prikazuje zgodbo lepe pustolovke Irene, katere tarča so bogati moški. Po kratkem opisu filma se zdi, da gre le za še eno romantično komedijo, a se film odmika od stereotipnih tem, poleg vsega pa ga prežema zanimiva ...
For the sixty-seventh time in a row, the Golden Venice Lion will be awarded to the best film according to the jury. This year, the American screenwriter, director and actor Quentin Tarantino will preside over the jury. The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement will be awarded to Asian and Hollywood director John Woo. In mine ...