Director: Ethan Maniquis, Robert Rodriguez. Starring: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Lindsay Lohan, Cheech Marin, Jeff Fahey, Steven Segal. After getting involved with drug lord Torrez, Machete flees to Texas, where he seeks to hide and forget his tragic past. ...
Film & Tv
Vsega je kriva Nina je film, pri katerem so se bodoči video profesionalci ali vsaj filmski navdušenci spoznali, skupaj garali in porabljali vse svoje zaslužke.
Scenarij sta avtorja začela pisati še kot najstnika, ko je potekalo snemanje filma, sta imela 20 let.
Zdaj, ko je končan, ...
Duhoviti film Pierra Salvadorija prikazuje zgodbo lepe pustolovke Irene, katere tarča so bogati moški. Po kratkem opisu filma se zdi, da gre le za še eno romantično komedijo, a se film odmika od stereotipnih tem, poleg vsega pa ga prežema zanimiva ...
For the sixty-seventh time in a row, the Golden Venice Lion will be awarded to the best film according to the jury. This year, the American screenwriter, director and actor Quentin Tarantino will preside over the jury. The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement will be awarded to Asian and Hollywood director John Woo. In mine ...
Vsi, ki se bomo festivala udeležili prvič moramo pričakovati fantastične, grozljive, divje ter kultne filme, ki predstavljajo presežke ustaljenih žanrskih obrazcev. Med drugimi bomo lahko videli dokumentarec KuZle o znamenitih idrijskih punk prvoborcih, ki so kratki karieri navkljub pustili izredno močan pečat na takratni ...
The biographical feature about Bob Dylan is an unconventional journey through the different periods of the legendary musician's life. His...
Francoska različica Monty Pythonov nas predpremierno pričakuje v Kinu pod zvezdami. Plastični igrači KavbojRead More
Zaključni večer gledanja filmov na grajski planoti v prestolnici je rezerviran za Vikendovo predpremiero, MorilcaRead More
An excellent retrofuturistic vision of horror under which Robert Rodriguez signed. The movie was in the US when it was releasedRead More
The Saturday summer evenings of the Cinema under the stars are completed by a hit movie in which Norah Jones and Jude Law played the main roles. My blueberries...
Directed by Sam Taylor-Wood. Starring: Aaron Johnson, Kristin Scott Thomas, Anne-Marie Duff, Thomas Sangster. The film presents 15-year-old John, an angry and troubled young man who has no idea that one day he will change the world of music forever. For those unfamiliar with John Lennon's pre-Beatles life, it will be…