Hrvaški glasbeni festival Hartera, ki poteka v prostorih nekdanje tovarne papirja v Reki, bo letos donel ob zvokih GusGus, Asian Dub Foundation, prihaja legendarni francoski trojec LBS na čelu z Laurentom Garnierjem, Darkwood Dub, Rambo Amadeusom ter mnogi ...
The festival of jazz, ethno and funk music Jeff is an experimental and youthful program. This time we will listen to Dirty Sanchez, Borut Novaković, Silence, Alfa Omega Jazz Duo and Katalena, among others. The accompanying program includes the Istrian culinary corner, the photo exhibition "10 years of Jeff", ...
Po številnih uspešnih zabavah v najlepšem centru dobrega počutja v Evropi, se umetniška skupina a la fetish seli v Ljubljano. V soboto, 28. julija 2012, bo zaživelo Vodno mesto Atlantis, kjer bo potekala edinstvena plesna SPArty zabava v kopalkah.
27. julija se bo v Športnem parku v Batujah odvila ena najodmevnejših poletnih prireditev na celotnem Primorskem, koncert Rock Batuje. Tradicionalni dogodek, ki poteka letos že 10. leto zapored, bo s svojo pestro glasbeno ponudbo pričaral občinstvu nepozaben večer. Letošnje zvezde večera bodo skupina ...
At the end of August, the Carinthian students' club organizes a two-day KKŠ Summer fest in the idyllic and unspoilt landscape of Lake Ivarčka. More than 15 excellent musical guests will perform on the main and electric stages between August 31 and September 1, and the days will also be enriched by...
In recent years, the extremely active Novi Sad band Dan D, known for its original concert energy and genuine contact with the audience, has returned to the concert stage after a well-deserved break and will also stop in Celje on its tour of Slovenia. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celjski dom. Price...
Jinx are a retro pop band that added a touch of modernity to the nostalgic music of the seventies and thus won the hearts of many. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celje Dom. Ticket price in resale is 12 EUR and on the day of the concert is 15 EUR. Ticket sales: TIC Celje, Eventim sales points around ...
You are invited to an unforgettable adrenaline rock spectacle, where the most prominent local punk rockers will provide you with a fun, energetic and technically perfect performance. In addition to songs from the current release "Against the Gravity", you will be able to hear all the band's biggest hits and a few more ...
We will present you a selection of Jazzva's repertoire of the last three years. So you will be able to hear many musical styles, from jazz, pop, rock, Slovenian songs, to folk songs and...