Premikanje meja v folklorno-plesni dejavnosti je še vedno vodilo največje in ene najstarejših slovenskih folklornih skupin. Letne produkcije priljubljenih maroltovcev na odru Cankarjevega doma vedno znova presenečajo, poustvarjanje ljudskega plesa, glasbe in oblačilne dediščine pa postavljajo ob bok sodobni ...
Big band RTV Slovenija z gostom Vidom Jamnikom - V SPOMIN NA BOŠKA PETROVIĆANatanko ob peti obletnici programa Jazz Ravne, 22. marca 2012, bo na Ravnah nastopil BIG BAND RTV SLOVENIJA. Gre za eno najstarejših tovrstnih zasedb na svetu, saj deluje neprekinjeno že od leta 1945. Večina njegovih članov ...
The stellar line-up of guitarist Ratko Zjača (NL) and harmonica player Simone Zanchini (I) will be one of the highlights of our previous events at the additional concert outside of the Jazz Ravne subscription. On their latest album, The Way We Talk, presented as part of their latest tour, they...
Samsara Blues Experiment (DE)- stoner/psychedelic
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Power rock skupina Legalo kriminalo je znana po divjih praznovanjih svojih obletnic. Tudi tokrat ne bo nič drugače saj poleg šampanjca in torte pripravljajo še obširen glasbeni program, ki bo vseboval več glasbenih gostov. Z Legalci bodo nastopili Maja Založnik, Marjan Pader, Zoran Zorko, Grega Čulk jr., ...
The Club of Goriška students (KGŠ) is chasing this year's winter in a pleasant and fun way, namely with its eighteenth traditional event called Mortadeljada. Every year, after the winter exam period, this biggest seaside "fest" awakens...
The Club of Goriška students (KGŠ) is chasing this year's winter in a pleasant and fun way, namely with its eighteenth traditional event called Mortadeljada. Every year, after the winter exam period, this biggest seaside "fest" awakens...
The Goriška Students' Club (KGŠ) is also chasing this year's winter in a pleasant and entertaining way, namely with its eighteenth traditional event called Mortadeljada. Every year, after the winter exam period, this biggest seaside "fest" awakens...