For the fifth year in a row, violinist Anja Bukovec will prepare an unforgettable evening of classical music. The concerts so far have not left listeners indifferent. Time and time again sold out concerts promise a musical experience to which we are happy to return. Anja shared the stage with tenor Janez...
The train labeled Tuzla-Osijek-Ljubljana will depart from platform number four in December. Edo Maajka, Kandžija, Frenkie, Dj Soul and Moonia will be jostling in his compartment, who decided to celebrate the anniversary of the first Bosnian hip-hop radio FM JAM in our capital. In the Gala Hall, we are expecting...
This year's Christmas concert in Postojna will be marked by legends of Slovenian rock. Big Foot Mama, Pero Lovšin and Spanish fighters will be on the same stage. The boys of BFM are going to Berlin in January, where they will record their new album. Before that, they will play their biggest hits in Postojna and we...
Tony Cetinski ostaja zvezda stalnica na glasbenem prizorišču držav nekdanje Jugoslavije, v bogati glasbeni karieri pa je doslej nanizal številne uspehe, od najrazličnejših glasbenih nagrad do izjemnih domačih in mednarodnih sodelovanj. Tako je že pred štirimi leti pel skupaj s ...
On Friday, December 9, 2011, at 7 p.m., you are invited to the atrium of the National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernova for a New Year's concert by the vocal quartet Pella and the promotion of Ljuben Dimkaroski's new CD Prazvok davnine. The guests of the evening will be Lasanthi Maranjanie Kalinga Dona, Carlos Yoder and Svanibor Pettan. Listen...
V okviru Kristalnega abonmaja bomo to sredo lahko prisluhnili Renato Chicco Jazz Triu, ki ga sestavljajo trije vrhunski glasbeniki. Vabljeni v Sokolski ...
Profanity fest #1 je prvi (doh) koncert v liniji ne enega koncerta za promocijo slovenske spletne milozvočne revije Profanity ( Glede ...
The KPŠ freshman party is a traditional party for young people, where freshmen and students become full members of the Ptuj Students' Club. This year's event will be hosted by one of the most recognizable Slovenian musical groups of the last decade, namely Siddharta, which is not in Ptuj...
The winners of the Danish competition for the best young jazz band in 2011. Punk - trash - jazz for the beginning of the month of Jazzuar 2012. The month of Jazzuar in Ravne is being started by energetic Danes. Mikkel Grevsen (t), Mads Lund Egetoft (ts), Kristoffer Tophøj: (dr), ...
Ena od stalnic programa Jazz Ravne je tudi obvezen koncert bluesa in tako bo tudi v sezoni 2011/2012. Poleg domače zasedbe je skupina Bluesbrakers ena redkih, ki jih bomo na našem odru gostili že drugič. In to ne brez razloga! Energični Avstrijci so bili med prvimi tujci, ki so nastopili pri nas in so povsem zasluženo ...
Friday, December 16, 2011 at 9:30 p.m. In the Celje youth center you can "jusk" and warm up to the rhythms of funk, soul and funky brekabeat. DJ BORKA & DJ BAKTO will present the Zelenosno mix tape...