After five years, which have passed since the release of their last album, Cona, The Stroj are finishing the studio work on their fourth album, which will be released early next year under the title Metafonik. The new sound material is the result of a multi-year process of recording and constructing original, electric instruments,...
Jubilee, 5th consecutive Christmas-New Year's concert by Anja Bukovec with guests.
A big hit from the silver age of Vienna is coming to Savinjska dolina...
Čas je da ponovno oživimo tovarniško atmosfero v kateri kraljujejo ostre fleksarice, udrihanje pnevmatičnih kladiv, driftanje viličarjev, donenje druge težke mehanizacije in zaženemo tekoči trak. Povedano z drugimi besedami, dubstep ...
Leto je naokrog in to lahko pomeni le eno stvar – nov INDIE ROCK večer! Na odru nastopajo londonsko-logaški indie (garažni) rockerji Barely Modern, ki se v domovino vračajo bogatejši za novo izkušnjo, letom ...
The old man of techno music and the master of turntables, Laurent Garnier, is coming to Ambasado Gaviola. The French techno music producer and well-known DJ encountered record spinning in the early 1980s in Manchester. He flirted with different genres of electronic music. So in his...
The group was formed when its founder Steven Bernstein wanted to bring fun back to jazz in the mid-nineties. He had enough of serious faces and the tightness of the jazz scene. In his creation, he followed an old principle from the history of jazz. He reworked a well-known theme, adapting it to a genre that is easier for listeners to listen to,...
V Ljubljano prihaja Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Stavek nima tolikšne teže, kot če pravimo, da prihaja pop zvezda Elton John. Rodil se je v predmestju Londona, imenovanem Pinner, in že pri štirih letih odlično igral klavir. Pri enajstih je prejel glasbeno štipendijo na elitni ...
Rock fans, beware. We are in for a real rock treat. After more than five years, the giants of hard rock, Whitesnake, are returning to Ljubljana. At that time, the legendary band filled the Ljubljana Križanka and really impressed. This time they will perform in the big hall of Hale Tivoli. The group was formed...
Starfuckers are coming to Kino Šiška. A Portland band that describes their music as dance music you can listen to and pop music you can actually dance to. Even with their provocative name, they stand out from the crowd, and they will absolutely amaze us live. Every time again...