As part of the one-day urban festival Itak Dzafest, top British musicians from the Editors group will perform. Already with their first album, The Back Room, they impressed and gained many followers. Hits like Munich, Bullets and Blood catapulted them overnight into the biggest...
The one-day Rhythm of Youth festival will welcome autumn in style. In addition to popular local musicians, world stars will also be on stage. For the first time, the German group RIO, which created summer hits such as Shine on, When The Sun Goes Down, ... will be presented to the Slovenian audience.
Alexandra Stan, currently the hottest star of the popular dance scene, is coming to the Styrian capital. Maybe the name alone doesn't tell us much about the singer, but if we mention that this summer's hit song is Mr. Saxobeat her creation, it becomes immediately clear to us that she is a blonde beauty with a voice and a body. ...
Orlek's music is a mixture of different musical styles, which can be called folk-punk-polka-rock. In addition to the traditional rock line-up, the instrumental line-up also includes a brass section and an accordion. The lyrics of their songs are socio-humorous, with many expressions typical of the bitter mining...
Zagreb's punk-rockers will loudly mark the beginning of the new concert season in the center's large hall this fall at the Brežice Youth Center. They will present to us their latest album Svijet glamura, with which they are once again impressing and raising dust on their concert tour at home and abroad. Hits like Pjevajte...
Papir, a family ensemble for the prosperity of poetry and music, combines the characteristics of old songs with a more modern sound. Interesting lyrics and beautiful melodies performed by excellent Slovenian musicians will take us on a musical journey that will not leave us...
Eva Steinschaden na violini ter Alexander Vavtar na klavirju nam bosta predstavila svojo interpretacijo del Tartinja, Beethovena ter Brahmsa. Oba sta diplomirala na Univerzi Mozarteum. Osredotočila sta se predvsem na glasbo dunajske klasične šole, posvetila pa sta se tudi modernejšim, sodobnim ...
The group Dead Man will visit the Scratch rock bar before the evening concert in the Gromki club on Metelkova. There you will be able to greet the boys, take a picture with them or simply drink a beer together. ... ...
The group Been Obscene will visit the Scratch rock bar before the evening concert in the Gromki club on Metelkova. There you will be able to greet the boys, take a picture with them or simply drink a beer together. ...
SATURDAY, 27. 8. 2011 => 23.00 - 5.00NIGHT VISIO NSPACE DJz * STEVE RACHMAD PSIHO vs VEZTAX * ANEURIA vs IAN FGECONOMIC EXHIBITION * LJUBLJANA * SLOVENIA Some need a reason to party. For others, vision is enough, good...