At the end of June, the traditional Lent festival will take place, which breathes life and energy into the Styrian capital. Top musicians from all corners and places will be in Maribor. Jimmy Cliff, Monster Magnet, Asian Dub Foundation, Rolling Stones stars Darryl Jones and Will Calhoun will perform this year, ...
Jeff Beck, who has left an indelible mark in the musical genres of hard rock, jazz fusion, rockabilly and techno, is coming to Ljubljana. In the mid-sixties, he founded The Jeff Beck Group, whose singer was Rod Stewart and bassist Ron Wood. He has received numerous Grammy Awards throughout his career. ...
The so-called Serbian-Montenegrin "mega-world-tsar" Rambo Amadeus is once again coming to Novo mesto. For many years, he has successfully mixed genres such as jazz, rock, funk, nu jazz, surf, improvisation, comedy and turbo folk. He will present his new album, which contains songs performed live at the Rambo Amadeus u Domu concert...
The great American indie rock band The Walkmen is coming. They proved that they are not just another one-day fad of the indie rock scene. They will present to us last year's album Lisbon, which is their sixth studio album. We will be warmed up by local representatives of the group Archibald Archibaldovich. Only you will make us...
Otto Tilmann, much better known as Gentleman, is coming to Ljubljana. The star of the European reggae scene is coming to Slovenia again after several years. He will present to us the studio album Diversity released last year. He was accompanied by the band The Evolution, who are kind of…
Izola will host the living pop legend, Reginald Kenneth Dwight, better known to all of us as Sir Elton Hercules John or Elton John. He will perform with his band as part of a European tour. He started his musical career in the mid-1960s, and released his first album only at the end of the 1960s. People...
Bryan Adams is one of the biggest pop rock stars of the 1980s and 1990s. He continues his successful musical path even in the new millennium. Hits like I Do It For You, Summer Of '69, Please Forgive Me, Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?, All For Love are almost already...
Grzech Piotrkowski is a saxophonist and versatile musician, whose musical creation oscillates between jazz, ethnic music, new...
V poletnih mesecih se prostor pri Vodnem stolpu spremeni v izjemno prijazno prireditveno lokacijo, primerno za dogodke, ki zahtevajo nekoliko intimnejše vzdušje. Kot vsako leto, boste tudi letos lahko obiskali nekaj odličnih glasbenih dogodkov:
Četrtek, 23. junij
Nepozabno glasbeno doživetje!
Priljubljeni hrvaški pevec, ki bo prvič nastopil v prekrasnem ambientu Starega gradu Celje, obljublja odličen koncert, na katerem boste lahko uživali ob poslušanju pesmi kot so Tvoje tijelo, Ja sam zaljubljen, 23 prosinac, Zbog nje, Umirem sto puta dnevno … Večer, ki ga ...
Anja Bukovec is a top musician and a popular media personality. In addition to its technical perfection, it stands out due to its recognizable style, unique interpretation and communication with the audience. She is a recognizable and respected person who honed her image as a cultural ambassador at school in Ljubljana, Prague, Cologne and Vienna. ...