World-renowned pianist Maksim Mrvica, born in Šibenik, will be playing in Slovenia again. Maksim inspires both young people and all young people at heart. He is considered a crossover artist who delivers classics to his listeners in a modern way. He started his musical journey at the age of nine. At eleven he played...
The Croatian group Prljavo kazalište is coming to Ljubljana. In their more than thirty-year career, they recorded more than twenty albums and created many hits that move both older and younger generations. At the end of the seventies, Jasenko Houra was impressed by a concert by the Rolling Stones, who...
Po petih letih se na slovenske odre znova vrača N'Toko. Izdal in predstavil nam bo svoj tretji solo album v slovenskem jeziku, ki nosi naslov Parada ljubezni. Izredno močna besedila, katerim dodaja lastna videnja globalne okolice, so njegov glavni adut. Svojo psihološko, družbeno-moralno perspektivo je spretno pomešal ...
Zoran Predin, star in prekaljen maček slovenske glasbene scene, pripravlja že petnajsti tradicionalni koncert za zaljubljene. Koncert, ki ga je poimenoval kar Ogrlica uspešnic, bo sestavljen iz uspešnic, ki so zasedale prva mesta glasbenih lestvic. Spremljala ga bo že uigrana skupina The Gypsy Swing Band, kot gost pa ...
One of the most popular bands of the 1980s, the legendary Blue Orchestra, returns to Slovenia after two sold-out concerts in the Tivoli Hall. As part of a large regional tour, they will perform in Maribor after ten years. The group was founded in Sarajevo as part of the Nju primitivs movement, which also included...
After a decade of absence from the stage and when the boys of the Zmelkoow band were already given a rock funeral, now, following the global trends of reunions, they are returning to the original trio lineup from the early nineties of the previous millennium. Drummer Damjan, Žare and Gogo will revive the hits of one of the most...
As part of the humanitarian campaign organized by the Initiative Committee of Črna vas and Lipe, a large charity concert will be held in the sports hall Krim in Ljubljana, namely on Sunday 7 November 2010...