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17. december 2010 * ARENA STOŽICE * Ljubljana - Slovenija
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Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje! ~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER THE EVENT...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje! ~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER THE EVENT...
Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG v sodelovanju z Imago Sloveniae vabita na glasben večer v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Pričarali vam bomo nepozaben večer v stari Ljubljani. Vabljeni!~ V PRIMERU SLABEGA VREMENA DOGODEK ODPADE! ~***
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Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!~ V PRIMERU SLABEGA VREMENA, DOGODEK ...
Dear friends of good music, if you want to hear and experience the fiery echo of flamenco in a historical context on medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical and African musical instruments, you are cordially invited to a very special thematic concert with guests of the rich...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje!~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER THE EVENT...
Joe Cocker is coming to Ljubljana - a legend with a rough but penetrating vocal that touches both the young and the young at heart. John Robert "Joe" Cocker was born sixty-six years ago in Sheffield, Great Britain. There are two anecdotes about how he got the stage name Joe. One says that after...