One of the most successful Croatian musical performers, Toni Cetinski, is coming to Ljubljana, inspiring both old and young. He started working with music in the early nineties, when he moved from Rovinj to Zagreb with the desire to create a musical career and musical hits that will influence...
Skupina, ki je pred tremi leti doživela eno najboljših vrnitev na glasbeno sceno v naši okolici z albumom Na zapadu, bo zatresla oder štajerske prestolnice. Seveda gre za skupino Jinx, ki je nostalgični glasbi sedemdesetih let dodala kanček sodobnosti in s tem osvojila srca mnogih ljudi, nam bo tokrat ...
The Kisha band's concert is designed as a sound journey of music coming from grandma's radio. A group of international musicians will prepare a concert for us with the help of the mysticism of the Hungarian language, which, with the strong support of visualizations, will take us into the magical world of the music of the Kisha project. They take care of Kisha's media visibility...
At the end of September, we are looking forward to the third Blender evening, during which dust is wiped off old records and nostalgia is breathed. DJ AliEn and MC Brane will spin the music of the nineties for us, who used to spin vinyl records in the basement when "Štirka" still had valves. Sometimes AliEn, today Dalaj Eegol is like...
Marko Zaletelj in Nika Perunović v svoji glasbi združujeta ljubezen do jazza in popularne glasbe. Na samosvoj način predstavljata skladbe različnih velikanov jazz glasbe kot tudi sodobnih popularnih avtorjev in izvajalcev. Tako so v njunem repertoarju pesmi Billieja Hollidayja, Carlosa Jobima, Georgea Gershwina, Elle Fitzgerald, ...
Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!
Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!~ V PRIMERU SLABEGA VREMENA DOGODEK ODPADE! ~* ...
Glasbeni spektakel, v soorganizaciji Kluba študentov občine Celje, bo navduševal z nastopom priznanih slovenskih glasbenikov: Elvis Jackson, ICE, ...
For everyone who has always wanted to hear first hand what groove jazz sounds like under the fingers of top musicians, attending the concert of the trio Medeski Martin & Wood is practically mandatory. The trio consists of keyboardist John Medeski, drummer Billy Martin and bassist Chris Wood. The trio was formed in the early nineties...
Eric Morillo is coming to the seaside capital of electronic rhythms, Ambasada Gavioli. The Gavioli Embassy's summer season will end in the company of playboy bunnies and a thousand-headed dancing crowd. Eric, an old acquaintance of all the major world clubs, is happy to return to Ambasada Gavioli, because he says that we are...
We will have the opportunity to listen live to the icon of the 1980s. George Alan O'Dowd, better known as Boy George, is coming to Ljubljana. As a representative of the new wave or new romanticism movement that appeared in the early eighties in London, he met people who at the beginning of his career...
Legenda svetovne glasbene scene Leonard Cohen prihaja v Ljubljano. Glasbenik, ki je s svojim delom navdihnil mnoge slavne in malo manj slavne ljudi, se bo na svoji turneji ustavil tudi pri nas. Predstavil nam bo svoj novi album Songs From The Road, ki bo izšel v mesecu septembru. Kanadski pesnik, pisatelj, pevec je eden najbolj ...