Ob prvi obletnici Kina Šiška bodo nastopili predstavniki slovenske alter-mainstream scene Melodrom. Pripravljajo nam glasbeno, vizualno razširjen ter z glasbenimi gosti obogaten nastop. Lahko bi rekli, da bo to prvi veliki koncert v Ljubljani po izidu njihovega tretjega albuma, ki nosi naslov Vse, kar si pustila, ...
The conclusion of Itak Džafest is promised to us with the excellent electronic duo Goldfrapp from London. They started their musical journey at the end of the last millennium. Singer Alison Goldfrapp and keyboardist Will Gregory drew the public's attention to themselves with their music and stage presence at the speed of light. In 2000, they released their debut album Felt...
We can't believe that the group Pop design has been present on the Slovenian music scene for a quarter of a century. On the occasion of their anniversary, they will prepare a concert where they will sing their greatest hits. Guests will also join them on stage. We will be entertained by: Tanja Žagar, Špela Grošelj, Maja Oderlap, ...
One of the most successful and globally recognizable Slovenian groups Laibach will perform as part of the Carniola festival in Kranj. In three decades of operation, they have never let us down...
Emir Kusturica se je ponovno povezal s prijateljem dr. Nelejem Karaljićem in nekaterimi člani skupine Zabranjeno Pušenje. Člani so po razpadu Jugoslavije naredili nove skupine vsak na svojem koncu nekdanje skupne države. Tisti, ki so odšli v Srbijo, so spremenili svoje ime v dobesedni angleški prevod The No ...
Legenda slovenskega rock'n'rolla se zopet vrača v Križanke z vsemi svojimi največjimi uspešnicami. Slišali bomo uspešnic Pankrtov, Sokolov, Vitezov in uspešnice iz njegove solo kariere. Na odru se mu bodo kot gostje pridružili Magnifico, Fake Orchestra ter mnogi ...
Eden najprepoznavnejših in najuspešnejših hrvaških glasbenikov Gibonni bo tokrat zabaval svoje oboževalce v Brežicah. Dobitnik osmih porinov nas bo navduševal s svojimi uspešnicami, kot so Škola, Činim pravu stvar, U ljubav vjere nemam ter mnoge ...
Jadranka nam bo tokrat s svojo skupino predstavila svoj drugi album, ki nosi naslov Sakura. Uspešnice, ki jih s tega albuma poznamo, so Podej naprej, La la la la la in Drugače ne znam. Druge nam bo zapela v družbi odličnih glasbenikov in glasbenic. ...
Jadranka nam bo tokrat s svojo skupino predstavila svoj drugi album, ki nosi naslov Sakura. Uspešnice, ki jih s tega albuma poznamo, so Podej naprej, La la la la la in Drugače ne znam. Druge nam bo zapela v družbi odličnih glasbenikov in glasbenic. ...
The group Feedback performs instrumental original music, which could be classified as a kind of mixture of rock, blues and jazz, and the influence of the latter is more and more present. Their instruments are mainly from the seventies, which is also reflected in their "vintage" sound. They express their feelings by playing, hence also...
The charity campaign to collect funds for defibrillators continues Volčji Potok Arboretum will be the scene of the noble and excellent on Thursday, September 2 at 6 p.m. After the June concert of the Slovenian Philharmonic, this time with the aim of collecting funds for...
While studying trombone at SGŠ in Ljubljana, Lojzet Krajnčan was noticed by the then conductor of the RTV Big Band, Jože Privšek, and invited him to participate. He began his musical career as the first trombonist in the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, continued as a jazz soloist in the Big Band, and then ...