Francoska zasedba Nouvelle Vague je zaslovela, ko so na prvem albumu predelali new wave in punk uspešnice iz osemdesetih v bossa-nova stilu. Nouvelle Vague je besedna igra, ki v francoščini pomeni novi val in se nanaša tako na francosko filmsko gibanje iz šestdesetih kot na glasbeno strujo iz osemdesetih, ...
Energy Union is a multimedia tour that, with the support of the European Union, raises awareness about intelligent energy in a different way. Intelligent energy is a key step in the fight against climate change: a balanced mix of renewable energy sources, efficient technologies and sustainable lifestyles. The highlight will be...
Potem ko so novogoriški rokerji Zaklonišče prepeva lani praznovali petnajsto obletnico delovanja, ki so jo kronali z dvojnim albumom Bolje ne bo nikoli, se ti zdaj vračajo na slovenske odre. Na spomladanski turneji se bodo ustavili tudi v ...
V našo bližino, natančneje na hrvaško primorje, prihaja zdaj že skorajda legenda elektronske glasbe. Gre za Fatboy Slima ali Normana Cooka. Pionir elektronske glasbe je svoj vrhunec in masovno popularnost doživel sredi devetdesetih. Zasluge lahko brez dvoma pripišemo le njemu, mojstru ritmov, ki je klubsko ...
Discoballs will open the concert venue for you! You are invited to an unforgettable party at the end of May...
Ekipa preverjenih glasbenikov je pred približno sedmimi leti v paket visoko kakovostne glasbe zapakirala funk, jazz in rock. Glavno vlogo imajo nabrite kitarske linije, "groovy" bas in druge značilnosti glasbe iz sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Le-ta je predvsem intrumentalna, tu in tam pa jo prekinejo hudomuni in ...
Mama Manka, the legendary woman without a hair on her tongue, feels so at home on stage with her Rock Otočec boys that she forgets time in the rhythm of funk. A group of nice people from Dolenj, gathered in an excellent musical ensemble, spoils the audience not only with Manka's specific humor, ...
Pub Rock'n'roll Heart and Music Agency GIG have joined forces with the aim of making Zeleni Gaj the place of the best summer parties and outdoor concerts again! Come to an unforgettable party, you won't...
Da bo odštevanje do letošnjih koncertov glasbene trilogije Itak Džafest minilo hitreje, Itak za vse željne zabave pred vsakim koncertom pripravlja po dve predkoncertni ...
The unforgettable singer Mariza is returning to Ljubljana with her group of excellent musicians. The Portuguese Mariza is a world music star and currently the most popular fado singer. Her roots are partly from the African Mozambique. For some time she lived in Brazil with her family. For his love of fado, he must...