Bora Ðorđević, pesnik, pisatelj in roker po duši, se je s skupino Riblja čorba v zgodovino rock'n'rolla zapisal z uspešnicami: Ostani đubre do kraja, Nemoj da ideš mojom ulicom, Volim, volim žene, Dva dinara druže, Amsterdam in mnogimi drugimi. Riblja čorba obstaja že preko trideset let, a deluje z ...
The Carinthian Ethno Jazz Project is the first Carinthian jazz music-visual event, which will serve with the processing of Carinthian folk songs and the associated video projection. The basic melody calls out for the addition of new phrases and invites rhythmic, melodic or even harmonic treatment. The following will perform: Sašo Vollmaier, ...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are invited to see for yourself!~ IN CASE OF RAIN, THE EVENT...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are invited to see for yourself!~ IN CASE OF RAIN, THE EVENT...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are invited to see for yourself!~ IN CASE OF RAIN, THE EVENT...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are invited to see for yourself!~ IN CASE OF RAIN, THE EVENT...
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RNB CONFUSION powered by INDEX.HRSREDA, 24.03./CLUB TOPTHE CANDY SHOP The visitors of the popular RNB Confusion program have been dancing to the rhythm of popular r&b hits in the TOP club for 3 Wednesdays in a row. Hope we've satisfied your appetites so far? Also in the coming weeks, on Wednesdays, we are preparing...