One of the best tribute groups of the legendary Irish band U2 is coming to Ljubljana. The group Elevation - U2 Experience from Great Britain always impresses with its appearance, sound and exceptional interpretation. The group is the best possible approximation of the famous music group U2. With an incredible stage...
The first lady of the Slovenian jazz music scene, Mia Žnidarič, is returning to the stage. With her trio, she will present to us her new musical creation, her latest album Nevidni orkester. The album thus represents a kind of auditory salvation at a time when most domestic music production seems to be limited to the level of banal...
The first lady of the Slovenian jazz music scene, Mia Žnidarič, is returning to the stage. With her trio, she will present to us her new musical creation, her latest album Nevidni orkester. The album thus represents a kind of auditory salvation at a time when most domestic music production seems to be limited to the level of banal...
Ljubitelji zapeljive house glasbe bomo zopet prišli na svoj račun. V klub InBox prihaja odličen didžej Simon Dunmore, ki ravno te dni izdaja svojo novo kompilacijo Zouk Out. Nastopil bo v sklopu house dogodkov, ki jih organizira Defected, verjetno edina založba na svetu, ki je ponesla izvirno izročilo ...
The quartet enjoys a reputation in Russia as one of the leading quartets of the 20th century. Its members come from the renowned Russian quartet school of Valentin Aleksandrovich Berlinski, which was formed at the Gnjesin Russian Academy of Music. The quartet is the winner of many prestigious awards. In the framework program, works will be carried out...
Simfonični koncert orkestra SNG Maribor je zaradi svoje vsebine oziroma izvedbe dveh klasičnih koncertnih skladb mojstrov Chopina in Šostakoviča, ki občinstva nikoli ne pustita ravnodušnega, kot nalašč za pomladno glasbeno uverturo, saj bo glavna glasbena gostja najodličnejša slovenska pianistka ...
Svetlana Makarovič elaborated the motif of Katalena in a ballad story, which was recently published in the collection Aleph, and which talks about the complex human character. At the presentation of the ballad tale, she will be accompanied by the group Katalena, which also transforms the folk tradition in an original way, and has also set some lyrics to music...
Vlatko Stefanovski Trio velja za vrhunsko zasedbo, ki je uveljavljena v mednarodnih glasbenih krogih. Stefanovski je ustanovitelj nekdanje legendarne zasedbe Leb i sol. Znan je tudi po posebni tehniki igranja kitare. Pohvali se lahko z več kot dvajsetimi izdanimi albumi, njegova zadnja dela obsegajo tudi glasbena dela za film, ...
On Saturday we will listen to the excellent vocalist Nina Rotner, accompanied by guitar and bass guitar. YOU ARE INVITED! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She started performing at the age of fifteen on theater stages, and since 2006 she has been more closely connected with music, as she has been studying jazz singing for the 3rd year at...
After a bit of bad weather, Melodije Tromostovja continues... this time OdBeatli will be with us. YOU ARE INVITED! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ They are a tribute band that plays the songs of the legendary band The Beatles. Rather than the greatest hits, the boys touch on lesser-known songs, but of course also legendary visions, such as...
Se še spomnimo polemik o ljubljanski sramoti na Prešernovem trgu v Kavarni Tromostovje, katerih smo bili deležni pred časom?Glasbena agencija GIG je bila pozvana, da situacijo popelje na višjo raven, vredno eminentne lokacije in prestolnice nasploh.
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Aleks Volasko, 18 letni pevec, ...