Obeta se nam koncert pod milim nebom, kjer bomo plesali in uživali v norih ritmih. V sklopu Sonice se bodo na odru zvrstili odlični glasbeniki, ki nam bodo s pomočjo glasbe in vizualij pričarali nepozabano plesno doživetje. Nastopil bo londosnki dvojec, ki nas je s svojo glasbo že navdušil. Vračata se Plaid. ...
We will be able to witness the twenty-first iteration of the cult classic, Piše se yearo. The event, which left an indelible mark on the Styrian capital, will be held in honor of Smiljan Kržet, the father of this iconic event. Smiljan was a producer and event organizer who, during his two decades of activity on the music scene, set...
The third concert as part of the project 'Dude, tune in!' will be even crazier and louder.
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Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen, also known as The Boss, will perform very close to us. He has been on the music scene since the end of the sixties. He has already scored a number of hits and received numerous music awards. So does Oscar. It experienced its greatest popularity on a global level in the mid-1980s. ...
Two decades have passed since the guys got together and started creating. They got their name from a song by the legendary band Niet. They started their activities as a primary school music group. They played punk and got to know the wonderful world of music. They soon began to explore different musical styles and began to search for their...
This time we will be able to help the Independent Life of the Handicapped Association YHD organization in a very fun way. We can attend a concert by great musicians. Sever and Gala Gjurin. We were able to meet both of them a few years ago in the Olivija group. Nowadays, however, they firmly and resolutely tread independent musical paths and...
Obeta se nam zabava sezone. In kako bolje praznovati pomlad kot s Sladico, ki nas bo zopet popeljala na plesno popotovanje. Tokrat se bodo fantje osredtočili na devetdeseta. Dve plesišči, štirje gramofoni. Na eni strani plesišče z Zedsom ter Kpowom v glavnih vlogah, na drugi pa RootsInSession floor, kjer bosta ...
June 8, 2013 - an evening of urban fun with Big foot mom, Evil Eve and Lollobrigida. Big foot mama is definitely a synonym for rock on Slovenian soil. With seven studio albums, many hits such as 'Nisem mech s tabo', 'Led s severa', 'Črn tulip', 'Oklep', 'Neki sladkega', ' Come back to me'', ...
Trash Candy at the charity campaign Skate with Heart
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A group that marked the music of the eighties, nineties and the new millennium is coming to Zagreb, and the guys are still leaving their mark on music history. Depeche Mode started their musical journey in the late seventies. Singer Dave Gahan, however...
Joseph Maria Carreras, better known as José Carreras, is returning to Ljubljana. The tenor has a special attachment to our capital and is always happy to return. He says he has a special attachment to our audience. At the same time, his collaboration with the RTV Slovenia orchestra, with which he recorded...