For small and large bookworms and lovers of the written word, the nineteenth Slovenian book days are coming, this time under the motto "This good book". The fair will once again transform Ljubljana into a city of books.
Child's play, a wonderful escape into a fantasy world that goes on and on, is one of the most beautiful parts of innocent childhood. Children have the ability to empathize with spheres that we have already forgotten and conjure up for us a forgotten world that hovers on the thin line between the ideal and the real. In the book "Toy Stories: Photos of Children from Around the World and Their Favorite Things", the author Gabriele Galimberti shows this extremely colorful world.
Alan Ford's comics, originally published in Italy, certainly evoke childhood nostalgia when we spent hours and hours living the suspenseful stories of the unusual characters of the TNT secret society. Social satire, wrapped in a comic veil, was interestingly the most popular in the former Yugoslavia. Based on this phenomenon, Lazar Džamić's book entitled "Cvjejarnica u kući cveća" was created, which was supported by the imaginative graphic image of the designer Vladan Srdić in the special edition.
Taschen has published a retrospective of the extraordinary work of photographer Annie Liebovitz and printed it together with some wonderful essays in one of their luxury giant books.
Paris or New York? Both! So says Vahram Muratyan, a blogger who has found a home in both cities. He first dedicated a blog to them, which grew into the booklet Paris versus New York – a tale of two cities.
Adventures and exploring the wide world are a marriage! The new outdoor leisure scene has provided many useful and interesting designs that are shown in one book.
The History of Slovenian Alpinism is the first book that presents Slovenian alpinism through a historical chronological overview. Interesting reading for mountain lovers and alpinists.
The year 2014 will also be very fruitful in terms of new bestsellers that will delight all book lovers. GQ magazine compiled a list of the ten most anticipated.
Jony Ive - The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products is a fresh book that brings interesting reading to all Apple fans.
1500 matches as a coach, 894 victories, 38 trophies. Just a few numbers from Sir Alex Ferguson's book My Autobiography, which broke all records in England.
Oasis is a fresh book that presents the best spa and wellness escapes. Ideal for daydreaming on a day when the fog doesn't move from the city.
The book "The Killer Detail: Defining Moments in Fashion" consists of 120 photographs of influential personalities who in one way or another influenced fashion with their dressing and appearance.