This light-hearted "women's" comedy by the popular Croatian playwright Miro Gavran, directed by Barbara Hieng Samobor, will surely appeal to everyone who wants entertainment and relaxation after a tiring everyday life in the theater.
The 1974 film The Night Porter is premiering in a stage version. We expect a lot, because then and still today the film is considered one of the most controversial.
Until the beginning of December, you can enjoy the scents of the exhibition prepared by Jannis Kounellis in the City Gallery.
Tihomir Pinter. A photographer who doesn't like flash and doesn't use it takes advantage of the light that is given. He takes his photographs himself, and considers working in the darkroom to be extremely important and creative.
The first days of December will be marked by animated Ljubljana, this year the Animateka is celebrating its 10th anniversary.
Solo author's exhibition as part of the Biennial of Independent Illustrations Soulless project 1.0.0. reverse Miroslav Erjavec will be musically enlivened by DJ Ninja (Hip Hop) and DJ Zhe (special set for the author) at the opening event.
Fourteen short scenes of the drama Krči reveal the relationship between the superior and the employee in the company, and bring to the fore the problem of the ever-increasing interference of employers and companies in the private lives of employees.
The most beautiful classical ballet story is also presented on our stages. Even in ballet form, the well-known story retains a touch of fairy tale and romance.
The psychological drama Gola, which creates a universe in a dimension that is not realistic, premiered on Saturday.
Ljubljana Improvisation Theater (IGLU) with guests: Pre-Halloween Tutti Frutti on Metelkova is preparing the scariest spontaneous party.
JUS is an art project that presents a series of graphics on the subject of Yugoslav cult technical products from the period between the 1950s and 1990s.
With his first author's work, Divjad, Nejc Gazvoda embarks on a hunt for the truth, caught in the turbulent times of Slovenia in the 21st century.