The comedy Tak, written by Goran Vojnović, tells the story of what happens to a taxi driver when he meets different customers.
Four years after Lars von Trier's controversial film Antichrist, only this one returns in the form of a stage setting in the Old Town Elektrarna.
The young director Marko Čeh stages Ionesco's Murderer because, through the interweaving of different genres, Bérenger confronts the murderer.
The comedy Tak, written by Goran Vojnović, tells the story of what happens to a taxi driver when he meets different customers.
The pre-premiere tour of the play Udar po mško 2 is starting, in which Vid Valič and Denis Avdić tell the second chapter of their man attack.
The international co-production between Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Slovenia comes to us with only two iterations.
Rock cabaret Accustomed to shock paints a picture of reality through the eyes of young actors, musicians, philosophers.
This year marks 50 years since the famous rally where Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech took place, which paved the way for changes in American legislation and lifestyle.
The long-awaited exhibition Tito – the face of Yugoslavia is coming in November.
Borštnik's meeting, the most important festival of professional theaters in Slovenia, brings over seventy events.
A new evening of top British comedy is in store. According to Eddie Izzard, Slovenian stand-up fans will be made to laugh by Dylan Moram. The star of TV series and films Black Books, Shaun of the Dead and Notting Hill is considered one of Ireland's best and funniest stand-up comedians.
According to the concept and directed by Beton Ltd. Anton Podbevšek is coming to the stage of the Premiere Theater of Everything We Lost While We Lived. Beton Ltd. tackles the problems of the modern world with a measure of self-reflection and humor, with innovative methods and procedures, and the current premiere will be no exception.