On New Year's Day, when the streets of Ljubljana are empty and lonely, and you are tired of the old and full of anticipation of what the new year will bring, we invite you to warm up and relax in the premises of the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova. We will open our doors especially for you on January 1, 2013, between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., and you...
Maša Kores is from Ljubljana, who has been working with a very special type of photography for several years. She prefers to photograph abandoned buildings (schools, hospitals, churches, hotels,...) It all started when she saw an old abandoned hotel on a walk. Desire for the unknown and curiosity were greater than...
The multifaceted exhibition presents the most important achievements of Slovenian architectural production of the last five years, as it aims to establish the conceptual framework of the concept of modern Slovenian architecture. The emphasis is on architectural quality, defined by originality of design, integrity, clarity, coherence... You...
Director Diego de Brea is once again returning to the film giant Luchino Visconti, this time for his latest film The Innocent, based on the novel of the same name by the Italian representative of decadence, Gabriele d'Annunzio. The novel, the film, and now the stage setting depict a world of luxurious villas and elaborate decor and...
Mary Poppins is the heroine of children's books and fantasy, as well as the heroine of a television series that was created over fifty years. It's about that iconic babysitter who also got a place at the opening of this summer's Olympic Games. The magical nanny's strange adventures begin when, with the help of...
Zadnji dan leta, s tem tudi svečana srečanja, lesk, glamur ali le nestrpno pričakovanje, se naglo približuje. Delček vsega naštetega lahko poiščemo tudi pod odrskimi deskami, saj najvidnejše gledališke hiše pripravljajo mamljiv gledališki program. Za začetek je vredno omeniti gostovanje ...
Igrali bomo srednjeveške namizne igre za odrasle (knefetaffel, šah, dama) in mladino (trik-trak, gans, gluckshaus).
Priča bomo tudi predstavitvi srednjeveškega orožja, kot so sulica, bodalo, meč, messer in bojno kladivo. Kostumirani člani druščine vam bodo razložili pravila iger in prikazali ...
Družili se boste z dr. Petrom Kosom, kustostom za antiko
Predvsem antični denar s svojo izpovednostjo je eden pomembnih zgodovinskih virov.
Nagovarja nas neposredno s svojimi upodobitvami (portreti vladarjev, arhitekturni spomeniki, božanstva, propaganda), še bolj izpovedna pa je ...
Every first Sunday of the month, we reveal glimpses of the Historical and Art Collection exhibition. This time the focus will be on Ivan Hribar's time as mayor...
Družili se boste z dr. Majo Lozar Štamcar, muzejsko svetnico in skrbnico zbirk pohištva, svetil, ur in kovine.
Trije kosi pohištva s stalne razstave na Prešernovi bodo služili kot izhodišče za pomenek o slogih, materialih, izdelovalcih, lastnikih in še ...
The 10th anniversary exhibition of ideas and trends "Prom & wedding highlights" takes place in 5 halls of the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana and offers everything for prom and weddings. Entry is free! Exhibition schedule (January 25-27, 2013): Friday, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. ...