In conjunction with this year's 23rd Design Biennale, we also prepared a special accompanying exhibition Winning Design. At the Biennale of Industrial Design, in its nearly fifty-year history, a large number of Slovenian designers received the BIO gold medal, the biennale's highest award; 11 gold medals were...
In the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) we present the 23rd Design Biennale, one of the most representative international exhibitions of contemporary design here and in Central Europe. In this year's renewed edition, BIO 23 offers fresh, surprising, inventive and even revolutionary products, ideas and concepts that...
As part of the 23rd Design Biennale, ideas and results of collaboration between faculties, students and companies will be presented in two exhibitions in the Project Laboratory. Mobile units RikoRazstava shows the results of the workshop, which was prepared in cooperation between the company Riko híše and...
In the accompanying program of BIO 23, you will be able to see an exhibition of Austrian design. Austrian design has been inspired by new energy since the beginning of the new millennium. Today, thanks to its merits, it is well on its way to taking a leading role at the international level. Successful interaction between tradition...
Družili se boste z gospo Blaženko First, vodjo Grafičnega kabinetaTematski nabor grafičnih upodobitev obsega široko paleto motivov, ki so jih bakrorezcem ponujali tradicionalni literarni viri. Kje je umetniška fantazija iskala navdih, kaj je vznemirjalo naročnike, kako so se besedila prelivala v likovno ...
From September 27 to November 11, 2012, the National Museum of Slovenia will host the exhibition The City Tells. Cities have always been gathering places for the world's greatest thinkers and incubators for the development of progressive ideas. They have become the centers of the world's most important political, economic and social events. Following...
On Thursday, September 13 at 8:00 p.m., the opening of the project HR-STAMENOV: Water, Suppositions and Urbanism will be held in the Celje Art Gallery, which presents the Bulgarian artist HR-Stamenov (1981, Plovdiv). The project, which the artist designed especially for the exhibition space of the Celje Art Salon, was created during...
Every first Sunday of the month, we reveal glimpses of the Historical and Art Collection exhibition. This time the focus will be on the time of Ivan Hribar's mayorship and the Ljubljana bourgeoisie between 1861 and 1918. Led by dr. Maja Lozar Štamcar. In the last decades of the 19th century, the Slovenian bourgeoisie became economically and...