The National Museum of Slovenia will host an exhibition of the Provincial...
Razstava predstavlja zbirko namiznega keramičnega posodja 18. in 19. stoletja, ki jo je Pokrajinski muzej Koper pridobival bodisi z odkupi bodisi z donacijami od svoje ustanovitve leta 1911 dalje in so jo javnosti predstavili ob obeležitvi stote obletnice muzeja. Mnogi izmed prejšnjih lastnikov razstavljenega posodja so ...
AM razstava #2
avtor razstave: akad. slikar Simon Kastelic
Naslov razstave: ".jpg slike"
datum: 11. avgust 2012
Ura: 9:00 – 16:00
Lokacija: Breg Ljubljana / v okviru projekta »XIII. Artmarket ...
Javno vodstvo: Zgodovinske in umetnostne zbirke: Prešeren in njegov čas (prva polovica 19. stoletja)
Pridružite se mag. Jožetu Podpečniku, ki vam bom med sprehodom po razstavi Zgodovinske in umetnostne zbirke približal čas v katerem je živel naš največji pesnik.Vstop ...
Pridružite se avtorju razstave in strastnemu zbiralcu opreme za britje doma, Igorju Ravbarju, ki vam bo razkril zanimivosti, ki se skrivajo za tem vsakdanjim opravilom. Spoznali boste različne oblike pripomočkov za britje in jih potežkali, otipali ter prisluhnili njihovemu brnenju, avtor pa bo med razstavnimi vitrinami ...
AM exhibition #1 author of the exhibition: Jože Koželj "In touch with wood" date: August 4, 2012 Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: Breg Ljubljana / within the project "XIII. Artmarket Ljubljana" Organizer: Association of creative programs / DUP Author and project manager: David Matej Goljat The project is supported by...
The closing performance of the Ljubljana Festival is a new story of the ancient Medea. In the eyes of Tomaž Pandur, Barbarka from Colchis remains the voice of the unwritten history of the homeless and emigrants, travelers and exiles, whose silence enables great and loud historical stories. It is precisely from this silence that Pandur draws completely new...
During the Maribor Festival, in addition to the festival photographer Dejan Bulut, photographers who will be the winners of the Ex Tempore Photo Contest will also present themselves. The gallery space will become a city only with its...
This time Luka Marcen put Gregor Strniša's frogs on stage in the form of cabaret morality. The work with the subtitle The Parable of Poor Lazarus remains relevant due to its multifaceted nature, and in recent years even several directors have taken up the work even in institutionalized theater...
The musical began its success more than 40 years ago in New York, and a year later in London. After eight years and 3,358 performances, the musical became the longest-running show in West End history. The Bronowski production brings the rock musical to life in an all-new lineup featuring 30 performers with West ...