Lecture by dr. Marko Mugerlij (Gornjesava Museum Jesenice) The lecturer will present the image of the Ljubljana diocese, which he obtained by examining visitation and synod records, bishop's letters and register books from the middle of the 17th century. This time was not only marked by the consequences of the plague and...
Glenn Murcutt je mednarodno najbolj priznani avstralski arhitekt. Leta 1992 je prejel zlato medaljo Inštituta avstralskih arhitektov, leta 1996 pa je bil odlikovan z redom Avstralije, Order of Australia (AO). V letu 2002 mu je bila dodeljena nagrada Pritzker, ki velja znotraj arhitekture za enakovredno Nobelovi. Leta 2009 je ...
Golden Baton Award 2009 to Domn Valič for the best male role. A young delinquent in a home must...
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the City Theater of Ljubljana, actors, directors and performers are preparing a very special mixture of stage and music. House players that make…
Planinska koča Monte Rosa SAC stoji v bližini Zermatta v Švici na 2883 metrih, kar je izvajalcem in arhitektom predstavljalo v času gradnje izreden izziv. Kljub vsemu je leta ...
Vse radosti in pozitivni učinki smeha nas bodo spremljali vse do toplejših dni v natančno odmerjenih količinah. Beseda teče seveda o koncih tednov meseca marca, ko bodo vsak ...
The exhibition, which was co-produced by the Škuc Gallery and the Celeia Celje Institute - Celje Center for Contemporary Arts, will present works created by the artist over the past four years. The Center for Contemporary Arts Celje invites you to the Gallery of Contemporary...
Vsak četrtek v marcu vas vabimo, da se nam ob 18. uri pridružite na javnem vodstvu po razstavi Ljubljanska škofija 550 let, kjer vam bomo razkrili njeno pol tisočletno razburkano zgodovino.Vstopnina po ...