Mura, you say your name is? What a repulsive name... You look sad. Don't be sad. I will you...
When and where the cradle of chess - a popular mind game - originated is unknown, perhaps in India, perhaps in Iran. But we certainly know how we met him in Europe. The same as for some other things (paper, numbers), we have to thank the Arabs for the transmission of knowledge, who in the Middle Ages represented a bridge between Asia and...
Prvo nedeljo v mesecu je vstop v Narodni muzej Slovenije brezplačen. Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite v NMS - Metelkova, na javnem vodstvu po razstavi Zgodovinske in umetnostne zbirke: Valvasor in njegov čas: druga polovica 17. stoletja. Vodi: mag. Darko ...
A dose of laughter awaits you! Battle of the Sexes will be screened at the Maribor KGB, Read More
Koča Monte Rosa SAC je pionirski projekt visoko tehnološke in okolju prijazne arhitekture, ki je nastal z namenom demonstrirati uporabo prelomnih novih tehnologij pri načrtovanju in gradnji. Neverjetno zgradbo, ki stoji na višini 2883 metrov v bližini Zermatta v Švici, sta skupaj razvila univerza ETH iz ...
Gledališka predstava koreografinje, plesalke in režiserke Jane Menger je zgodba o tem, kako je posameznik v različnih družbenih funkcijah in vlogah nenehno podvržen različnim postopkom, ki ga ohranjajo negotovega in jim nemalokrat umanjka pričakovana finalnost, trenutek, ko bi pomirjen ugotovil, da je prišel na ...
The glorification of women annoys me. Because this is always in relation to a man. Like some kind of match. Where someone has to win. At the end there are two steps and two medals and two anthems. And that big question, which one will be sung - the anthem. It annoys me that...
On the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the (arch)diocese of Ljubljana, the special exhibition prepared by the Archdiocese Archives in Ljubljana presents the main milestones of its rich history in pictures and words on seventeen themed panels. We will learn about the role and importance of the Benedictine abbey in Gornji Grad, which the emperor and the pope...
The cult film, which remains magnificent despite its age, can be seen in a remastered copy, complete with excerpts that were considered lost for decades. A 60-member symphony orchestra under the baton of Robert Israel, one of the greatest experts in accompanying mutes, will also contribute to the magnificence of the projection.
Alain Patel's performance goes beyond the framework of a cabaret show, even fiction in general, which is certainly the reason why Gardenia is one of the most prominent productions of the past year and a hit in European theaters. The story was conceived by actress Vanessa Van Durme, inspired by a film about the closing of a transvestite cabaret in Barcelona. Collected...
This sculpture exhibition is an interesting intersection of creative energy, urbanity, history and politics. It is the biggest exhibition project of the City Museum of Ljubljana this year and offers a valuable look into the history and present of Ljubljana through the faces of the people who marked it on the political, economic and cultural...