In the past, Iztok Mlakar, Gledališče Koper and SNG Nova Gorica have already conquered the audience with the comedy Duohtar pod mus, which is nothing unusual, because Iztok Mlakar, with his slightly sensitive sense of articulating human virtues and "virtues", without exception hits the mark. Mlakar's slehernik is such a modern Slovenian...
Tisti, ki se večkrat sprehodimo mimo veleblagovnice Nama, smo najverjetneje opazili novo izložbo, ki pritegne poglede ne le zaradi živahnih barv, ampak predvsem zaradi dejstva, da pisan prostor ne predstavlja zgolj nove kolekcije. Da je večja veleblagovnica vtkana v nastajanje in predstavitev določene odrske produkcije, ni ravno ...
Eva Š. Maurer, Maja Dekleva Lapajne MY THREAD IS RED A frankly uncouth comedy February 15, 16 and 17, 2012, at 8 p.m. Cankarjev dom, Dvorana Duše Počkaj Production: DRGI, Cankarjev dom Director: Maja Dekleva Lapajne Scenography: Tomaž Lapajne ...
Eva Š. Maurer, Maja Dekleva Lapajne MY THREAD IS RED A frankly uncouth comedy February 15, 16 and 17, 2012, at 8 p.m. Cankarjev dom, Dvorana Duše Počkaj Production: DRGI, Cankarjev dom Director: Maja Dekleva Lapajne Scenography: Tomaž Lapajne ...
In this production of William Shakespeare's masterpiece, we will still be dealing with the fateful love affair between Romeo and Juliet, the audience will still witness the legendary scene on the balcony, and there will still be a lot of dead people at the end, both those who deserved it and those who didn't...
The tragicomic character of Laila was created by Michaela Pavlátová, an Oscar-nominated, multiple-award-winning Czech director. Episodes from the life of a cute girl, whom she sometimes smiles at, but quickly sticks her tongue out at, a girl who would sometimes like to be a beauty, but at the same time is quite aware, ...
Klemenčić's magical masterpiece with barely ten-centimeter marionettes is a world attraction that has proven to be a real treat for puppetry lovers and theater professionals at home and around the world. In 1982, Jelena Sitar and Igor Cvetko restored and staged the play for the first time in LGL, now...
Luka Marcen po motivih Prešernovega življenja
"Vse stvari imajo svojo skrivnost, poezija pa je skrivnost vseh stvari." (Federico Lorca). Odkrivanje teh stvari navdušuje mnoge … pesniki iščejo zaklade povsod, in s tem sami postanejo zaklad, njihova življenja pa zakladnica. Takšno ...
Simi hates school, longs for Lejla, the most beautiful girl in the world, to whom he dedicates most of his rap songs, fights with his mother, who has a new boyfriend, visits his father in prison, smokes weed, and deals with petty theft and selling technical toys. The latter soon outgrows the frame of apparent innocence and becomes...
RYUZO FUKUHARA is a Japanese who has been living and working in Škofja Loka for some time. He is a dancer who got the idea for this Gecko dance show during his stay in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam...