The graphic cabinet of the National Museum of Slovenia houses an extensive collection of Mannerist prints from the leading cultural centers of the time – Rome, Venice, Antwerp, Haarlem, Prague, Munich... The virtuoso works of the greatest protagonists of this bizarre style are mostly being presented in Slovenia for the first time. We invite you to...
So Lolita is a performance/installation/interactive museum about making a performance, about an artistic crisis, about failure and about non-performance. Can it be a show if it doesn't even exist? Or rather, if he transfers from one artistic...
Razstava je pregled najpomembnejših arhitekturnih projektov in velikopoteznih urbanističnih ureditev socialistične Jugoslavije. Ogledali si bomo več kot 40 arhitekturnih podvigov in obiskali vse razvpite modernizacije mest, na primer: Novi Beograd, Novo Gorico ali Skopje. Vsekakor ne moremo iti mimo arhitekturnih ...
Beavers have already established themselves well among the children of Ljubljana and their parents, definitely because of their cute image and accessibility to all visitors. This year, for the first time, the festival of cultural and artistic education will be enriched by a varied art program prepared by public institutions and non-governmental organizations in the field of fine arts. ...
Artfest bosta zaznamovala dva dela na temo približujočega se pustnega rajanja. Prvi je glasbeno gledališka predstava Korantova svatba, drugi slikarski Extempore. Korantova svatba je glasbeno gledališka uprizoritev zgodbe, vezane na devet tradicionalnih pustnih likov in etnografsko izročilo danega okolja. Zgodba govori ...
Brecht's theater is one of those that realizes that we should not take the most serious things (too) seriously, because in doing so we lose distance and, due to excessive involvement, overview of things. As many as three producers took advantage of the fact, who created a "historical gangster show" from an extremely current text, in...
Gledališki dogodek leta je že v prvih mesecih novega leta povzročil trenutno najvidnejši slovenski odrski ustvarjalec, ki širi glas o sebi v marsikatero svetovno mesto. Gre seveda za Tomaža Pandurja, ki s svojo zadnjo predstavo Vojna in mir prihaja tudi v Evropsko prestolnico kulture. Ker Pandurjevo ...
Tokratna vitrina meseca se bo dotaknila zdravstva in bolnišnic. Večina med nami se bo strinjala, da sta zdravnik in medicinska sestra dva od najbolj odgovornih poklicev na svetu. Po drugi svetovni vojni lahko govorimo o dobi sodobne zdravstvene nege, za prvo šolano medicinsko sestro pri nas pa so razglasili Angelo ...
Award for preserving the tradition of the house puppet theater of the LGL ensemble led by Iztok Jereb at the 42nd PIF 2009, Zagreb. Klemenčič's magical masterpiece with marionettes barely ten centimeters in size is a world attraction that has proven to be a real treat for lovers of puppetry and ...
The play Stolp po dramski pesnitva, which the playwright Ivo Svetina wrote for the Slovenian Youth Theater in 2010, is directed by Silvan Omerzu. With actors, puppets, masks and automata, he will try to get closer to that special state of poets, which Plato already called poetic madness (mania),...
The National Museum of Slovenia will host an exhibition of contemporary glass prepared by the Finnish Museum of Glass (Suomen lasimuseo) from Riihimäki. This time, the most modern achievements of Finnish glass design will be presented, which is also based on the work of famous designers: Tapia Wirkkala, Kaj Franck and Alvar Aalto. ...