Within the framework of Saša Sedlaček's solo exhibition, the most characteristic projects of the last ten years are brought together for the first time. Projects such as Piknik na deponia, Žicar, Urban, Vesoljske smeti, The Ex, No Lego, Just Do It, AcDcWc, Big Shutdown show that Saša Sedlaček transforms trash into...
Another year is slowly coming to an end... Whether it was kind, important, sunny - decide for yourself. In any case, the old one will ring soon, the clock will strike midnight and we will bow to the new year 2012! The theme of the December showcase of the month is the clock. The clock as a symbol of the passing away, the birth of the new, a symbol of the end or the beginning. The first...
A comedy about relationships. About wife and husband. About Petra and Peter. About spouses who celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary, but don't know how it will turn out! On the findings that theory is different from practice. She is Pia Zemljič and He is Primož Pirnat! text and direction: Matevž Luzar starring: ...
Premiera izjemne predstave in scenskega spektakla Splendid Jeana Geneta v režiji priznane hrvaške režiserke Senke Bulić.
Režija: Senka Bulić
Asistent režije: Juš A. Zidar Prevod: Aleš Berger Igrajo: Gašper Jarni, Klemen Mauhler, Lun Sevnik, Stane Tomazin, Domen Valič, Miha Rodman, ...
In an intimate comic drama, the Nobel laureate Harold Pinter combined the main modern themes that, even in this century, remain a mirror of the values of modern man. Deception weaves and untangles a love triangle of insatiable egos in a bittersweet way, playing with time perspective. A masterpiece about the influences of...
With their virtuoso dancers and cinematic hypnotism, the Belgian group Peeping Tom has already charmed us twice, first with the show Le Salon, and two years later with 32 rue Vandenbranden. The first performance won the prestigious award for young directors at the Salzburg festival. This time...
Vid Valič and Denis Avdič do not need to be introduced, as we know the first charming man from television screens, the second from radio waves. We have probably already heard about their joint show Spasni stand up evening. This time, their work was given a more impactful title, similar to a fist hitting a ...
We already know the framework of the passion drama, at least partially, from that part of world literature that fascinates precisely because of the movement of our established boundaries of thinking. However, this time it is not about the performance of the novel The Reader, which we were able to catch on the movie screen a few months ago, but about the author's project Tanja Lužar, Ksenje...
Nickel stuff is the name of an unusual dance step created by Tony Allen and with which he won a dance tournament in London's Nickel bar or discotheque. With the performance directed by Ivica Buljan, we step into the disco of the 1970s, known mainly from the movie Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta...
Na oder Mini teatra se vrača najslavnejša zgodba z Wall Streeta znamenitega Hermana Melvilla v interpretaciji mladega beograjskega režiserja Miloša Lolića.
Prejemnica velike nagrade letošnjega gledališkega festivala Borštnikovo srečanje za najboljšo ...
A monodramatic stage adaptation of Ivan Cankar's famous story, Kurent, in the conceptual design of Juri Souček with the participation of director Robert Waltl, as well as a wine tasting and a small feast after the show in the Shambala restaurant. Idea and implementation: Yuri...
Ni umetnine, ki ne bi zrastla iz bolečine. In ni globoke ljubezni, ki ne bi bila plačana z opustošenjem, ki ga pusti za seboj. Tako se je rodila balada o zeliščarki, ki je zaman iskala zdravilne zeli za svoje gorje ob izgubi Jelengarja. Izjemen literarno-glasbeni večer s Svetlano Makarovič in člani Nacionalnega ...