The Art Directors Club is a non-profit organization that has been running a competition for the best design and advertising solutions in Europe for almost ninety years. The eighty-ninth exhibition of 75 gold and silver winners selected by an international jury exhibits print ads, TV ads, interactive...
The presentation of the Italian and internationally renowned artist Riccardo Licata in Ljubljana on the fiftieth anniversary of his first exhibition in Venice testifies in particular to the great tradition of using mosaic and glass in the master's long-standing work. The author, who lives between Paris and Venice, is a contemporary of famous artists such as...
Don't miss the excellent comedy The Little Dictator, directed by Tijana Zinajić. A story that cannot be described because it is...
The latest hit, the comedy melodrama Pizza da te kap, directed by Jerne Kobal, this time in...
The always excellent Family Affair, directed by Jaša Jamnik, will impress again on Wednesday, March 23...
Relax with this year's mega-hit Sex and Jealousy, directed by Jaša Jamnik. Masks will fall in...
The year 2012 is approaching. Some don't even think about it, others see it as a turning point, some fear it and others believe it. Where do you see yourself? Join us at the opening of the exhibition of paintings by Urška Majcen. The main theme ...
The Art of Der Spiegel exhibition will be on display at the Museum of Architecture and Design from March 30, presenting an overview of five decades of the magazine's cover illustrations. In 1954, the art editor took over the cover image of the leading German magazine Der Spiegel for almost thirty years...
The sylph is the first and at the same time the central creature of the romantic ballet. The work is one of the first major romantic ballets in the world ballet treasury, and certainly one of the oldest that is still performed today. Thanks to the choreography, costume design and music, without exception, we will surrender ourselves to the magical world with a smile...
The Aerowaves Spring Forward dance festival will present the best European dance productions of the last year in an almost impossible rhythm over three days. Aerowaves Spring Forward is a network of professional dancers based in London, which covers and cares for the works of younger choreographers across Europe. Cooperation of the En-knap Institute with...
Ajdemi, Milojko, Hrvoje, Janez, Fiko, Đuro in Dimče sodijo med tiste ljudi, ki si želijo pridobiti izobrazbo, seveda obiskujejo večerno šolo, saj so "jutranjo" zamudili. Odrasli fantje prihajajo na šolanje v Slovenijo, mi pa lahko sledimo zmešnjavi v razredu. Ker so si fantje med seboj zelo različni – ...