Kustos razstave je umetnostni zgodovinar Branko Franceschi.
Vljudno vas vabimo na otvoritev razstave v četrtek, 10. februarja ob 20. uri v Galerijo sodobne umetnosti Celje. Otvoritveni kuharski dogodki Centra sodobnih umetnosti Celje: Tokrat kuha Branko Franceschi.Pred otvoritvijo bo ob 19.00 v Galeriji ...
Matej Čepin in Tomaž Milač, predstavnika mlajše generacije celjskih slikarjev, se tokrat vsak s svojim samostojnim umetniškim projektom predstavljata v prostorih Galerije erotike – Rački.
Matej Čepin se skozi materialnost slikarskega medija v seriji slik z naslovom ˝Veličastni temačni ...
Exhibition of the winning works of the Slovenia Press Photo 2011 festival, which will be chosen by this year's international jury. At the opening, the jury will also justify the selection of winners.
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Razstava je plod sodelovanja med francosko organizacijo MSF (Zdravniki brez meja) in fotografsko agencijo VII. Sodelovali so pri projektu dokumentiranja problema podhranjenosti ...
Pregledna razstava francoske agencije AFP (Agence France-Presse), ene izmed treh največjih fotografskih agencij na svetu. Osredotočili se bomo na preteklo ...
Razstava Paola Pellegrina bo prva razstava v sklopu festivala Slovenia Press Photo 2011 in hkrati tudi otvoritvena razstava letošnjega festivala.
Razstavo "As I Was Dying", ki je v letu 2007 prejela prestižno nagrado Leica European Publishers Award in leto kasneje tudi Deutsche Fotobuchpreis 2008, ...
The new musical by the producer of the hit song Moje pesvi moje sanje with a superb cast and a familiar story! Familiar, right? Just admit it - don't you try to change your loved one every day, even though you fell in love with him precisely because of his difference? Yes, we women in particular are professionals at this, although also...
Entrance to the National Museum of Slovenia is free on the Slovenian cultural holiday. We have prepared a series of interesting events for you, and most museum publications will be available at a discount. In the exhibition spaces, you will meet our curators, who will be happy to give you a closer look at the objects on display.Program:
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Knowing the origins and development of board games reveals forgotten wisdom. The exhibition, prepared by Zavod Stratosfera in cooperation with the National Museum of Slovenia and friendly societies, presents classic board games, card games, strategy games with pieces and games...
This year's premiere of the Ljubljana Opera and Ballet House is a production of the Glyndebourne Festival, a prestigious opera festival in Great Britain. Dvořák's Rusalka was on the program for the first time since this famous festival took place. At its premiere in June 2009, it received extremely positive responses. At Glyndebourne they will be doing it again...
Festival kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje pod pokroviteljstvom ljubljanskega župana pripravlja več kulturnih ustanov. Izvršitev predstav so zaupali Mladinskemu gledališču, filmski program Kinodvoru. Posledično je desetdnevni program izjemno bogat. Otvoritvena predstava bo v Slovenskem mladinskem gledališču: Oliver ...