Kobariška is famous for its good food, and the Kobariška gastronomic circle took over the promotion and enjoyment of it. From the kitchens, its members move to Kobariška Square for one day. At Štrukljada, they will offer a wide range of Kobari štrukljes, and older local women will teach us about...
The humorously touching narrative will be a guest at many festivals this summer. So we will be able to see Romano Kranjčan with a team of dancers and musicians. Combining a huge number of musical genres, outstanding cabaret dance scores and a humorous narrative, the show remains one of the must-see shows this summer. ...
Although the festival is not exclusively dedicated to the performing arts, the program nevertheless offers some interesting experiences on and under the stage. It is difficult to highlight everything, but a few hints will suffice: on June 22nd, we will be surprised by a street theater in the City Park, the next day at 7 pm we can enjoy the voice of an opera singer...
Until the premiere, it is not possible to define the project Audition for Life precisely, as it is created according to an unforeseen scenario. In any case, it is a journey into the unknown, unseen and unheard, as it was created as a result of cooperation between the internationally established Slovenian dance and theater group Betontanc, the Japanese...
Najprestižnejša fotografska agencija Magnum je v skoraj sedmih desetletjih postala v svetu fotografije mit, iz katerega vedno znova črpa vsaka nova generacija fotografov. Agencija je hkrati postala največja avtoriteta na področju fotoreporterstva, saj je igrala ključno vlogo pri osamosvojitvi fotografije. Le-ta je preko ...
The installation is a combination of admiration for the textile industry, female labor and the power of human hands, but at the same time it contains a social note, as it will provide temporary employment for unemployed women. Passers-by, who will come to the bank for various errands, will be closely followed, as in the play, and...
The road represents a new artistic practice in public space, as it is a ready-made open-air gallery that uses already existing pieces of the city - artefacts, compositions and installations - and transforms them into works of art or art objects by assigning concepts. This opens up new perspectives...
The long-term intervention was launched by Aleksandra Gruden and Saba Skaberne, taking advantage of the properties of Maribor's city walls: everything from its symbolic to its physical value. On the 50 cm high remains of the once 6 meter wall, we will notice a set of mailboxes made of transparent plexiglass. This creates a space where you can...
Despite all the social and political tension, war cemeteries represent an important part of our history. They are peculiar stories about...
Every new creation of the rebellious Maribor resident, passionate jokester and sophisticated thinker Tone Partljič is most likely eagerly awaited by many of us. The tension can be a little more intense this time, as the stage production is a mixture of different genres, which also combines all those elements,...
Vodne Igrarije za družine z dojenčki...Nepozabne urice...koristno, zanimivo in igrivo preživet čas v družbi dojenčkov, ter ostalih mamic in očkov...v bazenu..:)...Res je luštno..:)
Okrepitev vezi med starši in dojenčki...
Kdaj: Vikend med 15 in 17. 6.2012
Kje: ...
Lepo pozdravljeni mali in veliki ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 2. junija, vas ob deseti uri dopoldan, ponovno vabimo v prijeten ambient otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom, kjer vam bo pravljičarka Jana Osojnik prebrala prikupno slikanico Mina in ...