The well-established Nacka Chamber Choir became famous with performances in which they performed the works of great masters such as Mozart, Brahms, Händel, Verdi and Bach. The choir has about forty singers, including top soloists and professional musicians. A diverse and extensive musical...
Those of us who may have already "tasted" the sea during the May Day break, most likely remembered the light, aromatic food. With Kaval's masters and J & B wines, we will prepare for summer with a glass of refreshing lemonade, fish, mussels, octopus in salad, fresh vegetables and spices; finally, of course, with...
Andreja Vakselj is preparing a set of hits that we want to hear in a popular club during slightly longer nights, except that this time clubbing will be a bit more fun and educational. We will leave the Casino equipped with rhythm and movement and the anticipation of the first evening, when we will impress at...
The sonic movement is mainly the sounds of trumpet, piano, rhodes, drums and bass, which flow into a mixture of jazz, effected instruments and ambient music with a typical European approach to jazz music. On his second record, Igor Matković, in addition to playing the trumpet, also took on the role of composer, arranger...
Gre za sklop predtekmovalnih dogodkov v Novem mestu, Slovenj Gradcu in Velenju, ki so sestavljeni iz tekmovalnega dela in glasbenega programa. Potekali bodo 12. maja od 15. ure dalje. Urbani športniki, ki se bodo uvrstili v nadaljevanje, se bodo ponovno srečali na finalu v Mariboru ob 19. uri. Veliki zaključek ...
Improvizijo poznamo kot gledališko-glasbeno parodijo blišča in bede, kot jo pooseblja Evrovizija. Gre za parado pompoznosti in kiča, v katerem se raznovrstne improvizacijske zasedbe potegujejo za naslov zmagovalne popevke. Ker je večino dogajanja prepuščenega navdihu in idejam publike, je nesmiselno dogodek ...
In addition to exhibitions, the festival, inspired by the flower of love, offers hands-on workshops such as making creams or jewelry from roses. A sweet-smelling experience awaits us when tasting rose dishes, where we do not mean only desserts, the flower can make up all the courses of lunch, including rose štrukli...
Najpomembnejša sprememba letošnjega pohoda in teka trojk je sprememba lokacije starta in cilja, ki bo tokrat na Kongresnem trgu za teke trojk in v parku Zvezda za rekreativne sprehajalce. Ostali elementi – rekreacija po trasi, kjer je bila v letih okupacije nameščena žica okoli mesta, in druženje zdravja ...
The 20th anniversary of contacts between Japan and Slovenia will be marked by 53 famous woodcuts - views of the Tokaido. Ando Utagawa Hiroshige, a master of images of the passing world, made woodcuts with a fascinating and somewhat exotic aesthetic as stations on the 480 km long route between the former capital Kyoto and Edo, ...
In addition to the best exhibitors, the traditional integrated presentation of all the innovations in the world of vessels attracts a huge number of visitors. This fact is not surprising, because in addition to the exhibition of 250 new vessels, the organizers are preparing a range of accompanying events: the annual Internautica regatta, the presentation of vintage vessels and parades...
This year's European Film Week gives Danish cinema a special place among the sixteen ranked films, as it has recently become the most recognizable within the "big" community. Cinema lovers all over the country will be treated to screenings that have traveled the whole world. At ...
Največje mesto popustov in zanimivih dogodkov, vse od plesnih uric za malčke, športnih aktivnosti za športne navdušence, do zabavnega programa za vse generacije, bodo tokrat obiskali legendarni Novi fosili, hrvaška skupina, ki nas spremlja že nekaj desetletij. Trgovine se na dogodek pripravljajo s ...