On the Pula estate, a renovated Slovenian homestead from the 17th century, hides the superb restaurant Pod skednjim. The head chef is Boštjan Kokalj, who masterfully combines traditional Dolenje dishes with modern culinary guidelines. He gained experience in Steirereck, which is considered one of the best restaurants in ...
Ljubljana is richer for a pleasant bar, where function and idea combine. The abbreviation TOZD used to stand for the Basic Organization of United Work, today it stands for the Refined Design Factory. The TOZD team took care of the pleasant atmosphere and interior. The furniture and objects are mostly second-hand, which are...
In the beautiful atmosphere of the Lovša restaurant on the outskirts of Ljubljana, we can treat ourselves to a very special culinary experience. With a glass of sparkling wine in hand, we can walk through the world of interesting flavors and luxurious dishes. Carefully prepared meat or fish menus will fill our stomachs and make us smile at...
The whole world is a stage and men all and women mere actors: they appear and leave again and everyone plays different roles in life. (William Shakespeare: As You Like It, II – 7)
Ahab (DE) - funeral doom ...
Warmer days encourage warmer rhythms at Kazina Dance School. Salsa, merengue, bachata and reggaeton are the passions of dance teacher Danijel Michon, who shared them with us and thus prepared us for the coming summer nights, when many bars or clubs invite you to Latin nights. Full of mold...
In anticipation of the warmest days, boldness will be even more desirable on the dance floor, and alluring and sovereign movement will be the ticket to real fun. At Kazina dance school, we gathered all the girls for whom dancing on Fridays is a challenge. Dance teacher Andreja Vakselj revealed new dance moves, steps and poses. ...
The team of Kaval masters and Jože Rozman from the Belvin wine school created slightly stronger flavors with us this time. As befits, we drank some rum for an aperitif, and then we tried our hand at preparing meat dishes. We realized that baking and combining with marinades, spices and side dishes can be right...
Vičstock je festival, ki se tradicionalno odvija maja oziroma junija. Organizacija je v rokah dijakov, ki preko celega leta nabirajo finančna sredstva, se ukvarjajo z birokracijo, organizirajo avdicijo neuveljavljenih bandov, izdelajo spletno stran dogodka, skrbijo za promocijo, uredijo prodajo vstopnic, poskrbijo za ...
Podaljšana hibernacija starega zimskega bazena v Kranju po Winterbrejk veselici prinaša vnovično porcijo bass vibracij. Saj vemo kako to gre - če se dolgo spi, se je potrebno kar potruditi, da se naakumulirana energija porabi, in bazen jo je zadnje čase res (pre)dolgo akumuliral. V tokratni »Bassen!« ...
Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! On Saturday, April 28, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to fairy hour in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. Like every Saturday, this time too she will read a fairy tale to the children...
Alter-Up & WS booking predstavlja: R'n'R GOES PUNK MINI FEST ♪ DEAD POPE'S COMPANY (CZ, punk'n'roll) https://www.facebook.com/DeadPopesCompanyRead More