Two days before the celebration of OF Day, we will celebrate the holiday in Ostriga with a rock band from Skofjelo called provocatively called Over...
The activist documentary is an epic tale of a gang of environmental pirates, full of humor, exciting action scenes and eccentric characters. The film is a reality show thirty years in the making. It will be premiered as part of the Eco-breakfast in Kinodvor, namely on Earth Day on April 22. You can be a movie…
Summer 2012, the war for Earth begins in the middle of the ocean. An international naval fleet is forced into battle with the aliens to thwart their goal of building a powerful energy source in our oceans. The sci-fi action shows a view of the battle from the perspective of the Navy and the Aliens. The movie is based on the classic fighting game…
Na velika platna prihaja ena najbolj priljubljenih pravljic vseh časov Sneguljčica. Nedolžna princesa, zlobna mačeha, princ in sedem pritlikavcev postavljajo okvirje vsem znane zgodbe, ko po kraljevem izginotju zavlada kraljestvu neusmiljena kraljica, ki pastorko Sneguljčico zadržuje na dvoru. Na svoj osemnajsti rojstni dan pa ...
Ameriški mornariški narednik Logan Thibault se po tretjem službovanju v Iraku vrne domov. Pri življenju na bojišču, ga je po njegovem prepričanju, ohranjala fotografija, ki jo je bil našel in na kateri je ženska, ki je sploh ne pozna. Izve, da gre za Beth, potrka na njena vrata in sprejme službo v ...
The action adventure is based on the popular comic book series The Avengers, which was first published in 1963. In the film created by Marvel Studios, all the super heroes of the world are gathered: Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye, who joins the international agency SHIELD and Nick...
Bled bo prvo nedeljo v maju zasijal v vsej svoji čarobnosti. Že enajsti v nizu dobrodelno družabnih dogodkov Čarobni dan, bo 6. maja razveselil vse Blejce in okoličane. Pestro bo tako na odru, kot pod njim. Nešteto otroških delavnic bo poskrbelo za najmlajše, oder pa bodo napolnili odlični slovenski ...
Drugo srečanje iz cikla Od zamisli do nagrade na temo oblikovanja vizualnih komunikacij bo posvečeno identiteti. Predstavitev, zaznava in poistovetenje izdelka/storitve spremlja človeštvo od samega začetka delitve dela in menjave dobrin. Z razvojem družbeno-ekonomskih odnosov in tehnološkim napredkom je ...
'Twilight' is a spatial arrangement with which the author re-maps the gallery space and choreographs the visitors of the exhibition with responsive hybrid constructions. The feeling of immersion in Junya Kataoka's artwork is achieved by multiplying responsive sculptures that literally fill the space, and by simultaneously addressing all...
This is a direct insight into the creation and functioning of the generation that stood at the trenches of freedom with guitars and written sheets of paper.
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Lepo pozdravljeni ljubitelji ustvarjanja!
V četrtek, 19. aprila, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo na prav posebno ustvarjalno delavnico, in sicer, MAKEDO delavnico. V ...