Matjaž Bogataj and Nina Pirc, violins; Mateja Ratajc and Nejc Mikolič, violas; Maruša Bogataj and Jošt Kosmač, cellos In addition to studying in Slovenia, the members of the string sextet Offstring trained at a course in Schafhausen with world-renowned musicians such as Ana Chumachenco, Wen-Sin Yang and...
Women have been using aromatic oils for health, beauty and seduction for thousands of years. In this one-of-a-kind aromatherapy workshop, we will touch on all...
The puppet adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Knights was based on Pushkin's Tale of the Dead Empress and the Seven Knights (1833). In it, the poet drew inspiration from the well-known fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, ...
The puppet adaptation of Snow White and the Seven Knights was based on Pushkin's Tale of the Dead Empress and the Seven Knights (1833). In it, the poet drew inspiration from the well-known fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, ...
Barbo Lindgren, the daughter of the famous author of "Pike Socks", is already an established name. With the game Črviček and Mr. Pepe, she achieved great success and it is good that our children also get to know her. ...
In an old, dusty attic, two childhood friends meet again after many years. In mysterious shadows and with loud mouse snorting, they relive the story of difference, friendship and forbidden love between Belamiška from Mišje Gradac and...
Mura, you say your name is? What a repulsive name... You look sad. Don't be sad. I will you...
Mura, you say your name is? What a repulsive name... You look sad. Don't be sad. I will you...
V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj Read More
The name of the puppet club hides puppet workshops for parents and their little ones, who, after watching the Saturday morning performance, together make a simple puppet that is thematically linked to the performance. At the same time, they learn about different puppet techniques, the acting profession, the processing of materials that are unusual for them, and last but not least...
V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj izdelajo enostavno lutko, ki je tematsko vezana na predstavo. Ob tem spoznavajo različne tehnike lutk, igralski poklic, obdelavo zanje nenavadnih materialov ter ...