The association "KVART" - visual culture and art / arte e cultura visiva in collaboration with the gallery "Apeiron" and the studio of the academic sculptor Marko Zelenka in the old center of Izola organizes a unique carnival event: Exhibition of unique artistic ...
The cult film, which remains magnificent despite its age, can be seen in a remastered copy, complete with excerpts that were considered lost for decades. A 60-member symphony orchestra under the baton of Robert Israel, one of the greatest experts in accompanying mutes, will also contribute to the magnificence of the projection.
Alain Patel's performance goes beyond the framework of a cabaret show, even fiction in general, which is certainly the reason why Gardenia is one of the most prominent productions of the past year and a hit in European theaters. The story was conceived by actress Vanessa Van Durme, inspired by a film about the closing of a transvestite cabaret in Barcelona. Collected...
This sculpture exhibition is an interesting intersection of creative energy, urbanity, history and politics. It is the biggest exhibition project of the City Museum of Ljubljana this year and offers a valuable look into the history and present of Ljubljana through the faces of the people who marked it on the political, economic and cultural...
In the past, Iztok Mlakar, Gledališče Koper and SNG Nova Gorica have already conquered the audience with the comedy Duohtar pod mus, which is nothing unusual, because Iztok Mlakar, with his slightly sensitive sense of articulating human virtues and "virtues", without exception hits the mark. Mlakar's slehernik is such a modern Slovenian...
Tisti, ki se večkrat sprehodimo mimo veleblagovnice Nama, smo najverjetneje opazili novo izložbo, ki pritegne poglede ne le zaradi živahnih barv, ampak predvsem zaradi dejstva, da pisan prostor ne predstavlja zgolj nove kolekcije. Da je večja veleblagovnica vtkana v nastajanje in predstavitev določene odrske produkcije, ni ravno ...
Dva dni aerobičnih treningov navdušuje predvsem zaradi profesionalnosti svetovno priznanih trenerjev. Glavna zvezda konvencije bo tokrat Tony Stone iz ZDA, ki je delal in treniral z mnogimi znanimi imeni, kot so Britney Spears, Kelis, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, ... Petkratni vaditelj leta Nizozemec Lars Schuijling nam ...
Tekmovanje najboljših freeride deskarjev in smučarjev poteka letos že sedmo leto zapored in je tretje leto del turneje FWT oziroma FWQ, le da so si organizatorji letošnje leto prislužili zvezdico več. Del tekmovanja bo prvič tudi na italijanski strani smučišča. Poleg smučarjev in deskarjev nas bo na sneg ...
Pisano in kreativno dnevno sobo Srede bodo ponovno napolnili številni slovenski ustvarjalci, podhod Ajdovščina pa bo oživel s popolnoma novo zgodbo, popisano s stojnicami, kjer se bodo številni izbrani ustvarjalci predstavljali s svojimi unikatnimi deli, ki bodo tudi naprodaj. Na dogodek se lahko kar navadimo, ...
Vsi vemo, da se hrana deli na dve kategoriji; na tisto, ki je z našim organizmom v super odnosih, torej mu koristi, in tisto, ki mu škodi. Tokrat bomo na predavanju spoznali, da je skrivnost super hrane v fitohranilih, zdravilnih sestavinah rastlin, ki niso zgolj vitamini in minerali. Ker je le te največ na področju ...
There are few cities that completely change their face during the carnival. Ptuj is one of those, especially in the year when it participates as a partner city in the European Capital of Culture project. The entire carnival period will be marked by events at all cultural levels. It will probably be the hottest in Kurentanzi, because we will...